Hoorah! If you had a mancannon spare I think you should definately put it in the back of the cave as I had problems with people camping there... or rather put it further into the cave so the humans can't camp slightly in the cave (which also happened and got annoying)
What I did as a quick fix was I put a man cannon side ways on opposite sides of the cave so that you can't enter it and can only exit it. But I think it would be a lot more efficient to just put a window barrier at the entrance to the cave so that the zombies can't all rush through the cave.
AMAZING is all i can say, I can't belive somebody actually made my secret dream come true! **** Zombies in Halo 3! The gameplay is great and the forge work is AWESOME, after several **** zombie maps made (all epic fails) there is finally a good one! 10/10 ***CONGRATS!***
the map looks gud and all its just too big for my taste and it would have looked cooler if you could have dun the pallet things if possible. also you should have added an oversheild for zombies that respawns around 20-30 secs. the map is kewl its just not what i expected, the gametype also needs to be tweaked. maybe you should make a 2nd version with little tweaks. other then that its pretty fun 3.7/5
The top level is kinda YUCK compared to the bottom. But the mystery box is insane! Love it. Can't wait to get some friends together and play it.
How can i download the map and game? I cant click on the links for some reason... any help would be appreciated... thanks
I am currently working on a future project for their gametype. They have agreed to help and allow me to use the same random weapon box and entrance designs for gameplay. Here is the link to the thread -- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/61138-judgement-extra-map-add.html#post767193 This is a huge project and is hopefully going to keep **** Zombies in Halo 3 a fun and exciting game. There are going to be more maps in the future after the release of my map as well, so do not think that these two are the only ones that will be available.
Played a game with 8 people and all I can say is amazing. The zombies work well, the humans aren't overpowered. The only thing I would add would be some pallets across the zombie entrances so they would actually break in. 9 out of 10
I just played a game with 11 people and I really enjoyed it but others in the party seemed to not like it for reasons like, "I don't want to be the zombie." They thought that it sucked because zombies don't have a chance 1v1 against a human. But in almost every infection gametype, zombies need to work together to take down even 1 human. Especially **** Zombies. No one ever loses to one zombie, it is when they are overwhelmed by zombies that they can't take down fast enough. Oh and I have another thing that is sort of problematic with your map. One trip to the random weapon box will automatically replenish all your weapon's lost ammo.
Yeah, the gametype is no problem. It's actually been changed for the v2, but it's relatively the same. As for the ammo replenish, that's fine, because it makes up for the lack of max ammos from the actual game. There's nothing you can do about that anyway.
This map is great,its really one of the most accurate **** zombie maps and i love how you have made the random box,ill have to remember how to make that.
I think it's alright... I don't like how once you pick up the custom, you are fast but die instantly, I think they should die at the same rate as the others but shouldn't be available until after a dumpster pushes a door and opens that teleporter.
I will post nothing about the v2 until after I get a new Xbox. I haven't even requested the repair yet, I'm still short $20... And now I have the last quarter of freshmen year to worry about... So I dunno, the v2 will be a significant change and may require it's own post depending on how much I change the map.
OMG this map is amazing!!! I love playing this map with my friends. The openable door that spawns in like 45 seconds was a great idea. The random weapon box was also a god idea. It would be AMAZING if you remade this map on Sandbox!!!
Unfortunately there is quite a lack of movable objects on Sandbox and the Random box can't be made as there are no propane tanks.