Sandbox BlackHeart

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by last_chaos_7, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Wait, you can't cheat this map.. So did you actually play it or is your comment just spam?
  2. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    I'm not sure if it would be counted as spam or not lol... The first few comments were all on how it was uncheatable when if you played a game on it you would know it was uncheatable... idk though... but it was kind of funny =)
  3. d34th bunni

    d34th bunni Ancient
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    like blaze was saying I think there needs to be something completely new in these race maps... you guys have the forge ability definetly down by now, you just need to think of new ideas. I know that is hard but really the only things new now are the way to bank turns go together, just different designs, we have seen just about every single type of bank turn by now. Anyways great track I love it, it is somewhat different.
  4. last hope 17

    last hope 17 Ancient
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    dude I love this race map the turns are super smooth and it is alot of fun and unlike most tracks it actually takes alot of skill while being alot of fun =) 5/5!
  5. Dylan1kenobi

    Dylan1kenobi Ancient
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    OMG!! I cannot wait to ride that pretzel. It looks sweeter than peeps on easter (had to make an easter joke). This is a definite download.

    From looks: 5/5
  6. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    I have to say, if that's cheatproof then you've done a pretty good job, looks really nice and clean, but seems a little steep going uphill in places i'll have to DL it and check it out first.
  7. Confused Grunt

    Confused Grunt Ancient
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    This is one of the best racetracks I have ever seen. I love the complexity of the turns you made, and everything looks so smooth. It doesn't look cheatable, and even if it was, you can use the honor system and then boot people. Also, does it support the regular RACETRACKS variant because you didn't mention it and I was wondering.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'll download but I bet you that I can find a way to jump down onto a lower section and get an unfair lead.

    I love how the track looks though. How did you design this on paper?
  9. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    As for you yes it does support the racetracks varient I mean why wouldn't it? lol I like maps that work for both racetracks and battletracks... My varient is just slightly different from battletracks... but yes it works just as well

    As for the next person who asked about me drawing it on paper.... To be honest with you I never really do designs... I just started with a bank, figured why not make it a corkscrew thingy, the kind of went from there... I got really lucky that it turned out this good =)

    Also if you find a way to cheat good for you lol just use the honor rule... I do have a little secret sort of regarding the cheating thing but I'm not going to say anything else about it... my friend and me found out something awesome lol
    #49 last_chaos_7, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  10. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Wow this is really uber great i can say it in six words: awesome with a lot of insane. It's really neat and great and jesse just great and everything so..... 5/5 keep up the good work!
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    What is jesse? lol but thanks for the 5/5 but please give a real review lol =)
  12. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow this is a exceptional looking race map, it is very well forged, and all of it lines up well no bumps, and easy to ride on, like you don't have the types of racing maps where it pulls the camera down to where you can't see whats ahead. You have done a really nice job on the map. The only thing is Juicy on, I like plain, but it was still fun, I am just not a big fan of effects.
  13. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Thats fine lol it's all prefferenct on the coloring effects... you can delete all that if you really want to lol... I just think it looks alot cooler with the juicy and gloomy on becuase then the lights look awesome =)

    Thanks for the review =)
  14. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    oops i spelt jeeze wrong and i know i still spelt it wrong..... Uber sad face ='(
  15. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    very nice track.
    Banks and turns look like a blast.
    It also seems very reminisce of a roller coaster.
    Good job and I hope to see more from you.
    Ill download it when my 360 gets back from MS
  16. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
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    Hay every one this guy stole this map. I now the eariganel maker of the map. Like I was there when he made the first part the hart. So if you think this is a good map and think he's pro for makeing it, just think that a dusche that dosent no how forge his own maps so he hast to steal them because he's a peace of crap that sucks at life it self and just needs to die cause no one likes him. Hay and i'm sorry that if you guys think I'm being to harsh, I just hate people that steal maps :)
  17. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    what the heck are you talking about I made the whole frekin map good lord... how do you think I stole this??????? I had many people in with me while I was making this but none of them helped me... and most of the people in there didn't even know how to forge... seriously I have never stolen any ones map what the heck...
  18. nalte021

    nalte021 Ancient
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    Great job. Looks great. I'll try it out.
  19. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    dude are you on drugs or something i promise you try searching all the maps that have this name his name is just going to keep popping up and don't try to make accuse him of stealing it with out any proof. Think before you speak also don't lie about **** like oh i was there when the person made the first part of this map cause you're probably lieing and you suck at spelling god you can't spell original and you can't spell douche.
    P.S i hate people for saying that someone stole somebodys map just because maybe your friend stole it or something go back to the 3rd grade. asshole. and who says LIKE anymore that means you are making this up.

    #59 spartin2000, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  20. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    omg lol that is vicious... and dito lolololololol... but The red like through his name... does that mean he got removed / banned ?


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