Ya I know a non foundry forged map. This map is basically standoff with a few things like added snipers, another turret for each base, and a gauss warthog and shielded doors.. But this isn't why you should download it. I believe I'm the first one to do this, but not positive. So here's the big part. In a normal game of any type when you die you spawn back at your base where you started, Well in this version once you die you spawn in the enemy teams jail. No not a fence box. But instead the room in each teams base that must be activated to open. So here it is, You die your trapped in the enemies jail, your team must come activate and open the jail. Now heres where this can go wrong, so once the jail is open all of either team is now in the enemies base. No, there are two teleporters that the prisoners must go through. These take you to the middle of the map for both teams. So guard the jail entrance well and you'll easily win. Once the jail has been opened, it will stay open. And if your playing an objective type game, it turns into a challenge of gaurding both the ie. flag, and the jail. I can see this turning into millions of types of games. Best played with 4+v4+ on CTF, 2 team Assault, and maybe Team Slayer. No gametype, because any gametypes work. Sorry for no screens will post when I can get back to my 360. If you have any name suggestions please tell, prisoner just doesn't sound right. Link:Download Screenies: Starting Point, And Flag Inside The Cell Looking Through the Cell Window. Laser Taking Out the Turret New Turret Shielded Doors and Sort of Overview of one Base.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO sounds kind of bland actually..jailbreak type games have been made before, and once the doors have been opened, how do you plan to keep a jail in both bases without any boxes?
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Sounds a lot like cell block 71... Another jail map... (sigh) -Donuts
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO He's not copying anyones idea -_- Cell block 71 is one of the thousand jail break games out there. Plus there both on different maps
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO omg lol my bad forgot dl link edited, sorry, here's the link, and OP edited. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15414655
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO It seems like a smart idea, and I actually really like it. The only problem is, you mention this map is good for team slayer. During a game of slayer, if everyone on one team is killed then both teams will be separated and will have no one to kill. The team who captured them all would have to open their own gates themselves to end the game. Otherwise, it seems alright. I'll try downloading it to see how it actually is. Also, the way you're pitching this game is pretty terrible.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Sorry about the pitching, this was the first map i've published to bungie and here, and i'm not good at describing it.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Yay another wannabe Cell Block....zzzzzzzzzzz....at least I know we are the original
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO When I made this i didn't even know about cellblock, it's a good map, and I'm not a wannabe, this is my original idea, i didn't copy cellblock, I thought of it without out knowing cellblock. I'm not saying mine's better either, It'sthe same for a nother map, with the exception of clicking a button instead of taking out a crate.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO You may well be the first. It is very good use of the open doors. I have a suggestion or two. A unused name that you might like to use is durance, which means time spent in confinement/jail, like he had a long durance. Also, one way to solve the problem of not being able to close the doors is to make it a CTF game, preferably 2 flag, or one flag if you want it like cops and robbers. I hope there is SOME way of not spawning in the enclosed area. Think if a whole team was killed, there would be no way to free themselves. Back to the gametype... put the flag spawn IN that area and make the capture in the middle(not having a teleporter there) or in the home base. To make it really crazy, put the flag endpoint IN that area too, so to capture your own flag, you have to set the other team free, which would lead to a sudden death! that would be crazy! UGH exams make one verry tired... *moans and keels over to smack fasse on keyboard and comes to still dazed as before and very incoherent* i has no typey skaellz nowz me liek twirededddddddddddddddddd lawlzzzzz cnat liffffft fingerrssssssssssss oooooooooooooooooh mann ... i llieeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkknnnnot herez almosssss paaasedddddds out.... only 11111examen today... ohhh amnnn woooeeeeee is meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO You need some pictures! Although the idea is not technically original, this may be the first time that the map uses a button to open the jail. Sorry people already had the idea, but you have fine-tuned it I guess...
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO It's very clever to use the Standoff bases like that do doubt. But I'm not sure really want to play on a map with shield doors, a Guass Warthog and 4 turrets. But I'll DL and see how if I can get anyone to play it.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Ya I added a little more pizzazz to it so it wasn't just the spawn that was unique about it, but the warthog doors and all took seconds, you can always delete all that in a few secs using forge.