Mythic DLC Space Race

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by AItius, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Space Race
    Created by: AItius

    Hello, and welcome to my newest map, Space Race.

    This is a linear racing map set on one of the maps from the Mythic Map pack, Orbital. It is relatively short, but difficult, and it will require you to think fast.

    As always, there are a few honor rules associated with the map; however, if you break these, it will not give you any advantage.

    -Do not get off your mongoose. If you flip, get back on immediately.

    -There is no set start, but if you want everyone to start at the same time, then wait until the active camo spawns.

    Now, on to the pictures!

    The pictures are in order as if you were in a mongoose and going through the track.

    Comments are above the pictures

    This is the starting point. Hop on a mongoose!


    After the starting point, there is a straightaway

    You will then come to this turn.

    You will then go up the escalator. (The escalator is right after the shield door turn from the last picture.)

    When you reach the top, you will see this:

    After you go past the decorative powerup, you will enter this room, which has a 180 degree turn. (You enter from the top right of this picture) NOTE: I did not want to block off the small ramp. Feel free to use it.

    After exiting the room, there is another straightaway.

    The end of the straightaway, and the turn.

    This is probably my favorite part, a short but fun tunnel.

    This is the top of the tunnel, just to give another view of it.

    After exiting the tunnel, you will go through this brief hallway...

    ...and down the second escalator. (NOTE: The fusion coils are purely for decoration. They do not explode unless some asshole shoots them.)

    After going down the escalator, you will be in clear sight of the cheat-proof finish line.

    After going through it, you will get to do that again!

    Here are a few extra screenshots, just for you.

    The cheat-proof finish:

    This is a speed boost. There is one at each straightaway. If you hit them properly, you will get a good boost. If you do not, you may or may not flip. It's a risk you have to decide for yourself.

    And some decorative handrails

    Well, that's my map. I hope you enjoy racing on it!

    Link to map here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Link to gametype here: : Halo 3 File Details

    *If you have the racetracks gametype, don't bother downloading this one. I would, however, change the number of laps to five.

    I am open to any comments or criticism.

    #1 AItius, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This actually looks decent for an Orbital map. I've seen a couple of other race maps on Orbital and they were horrible. This actually looks decent. You didn't just block things off and call it a racetrack. You actually placed your own geometry and changed Orbital to accommodate what you wanted. I'll give this a DL and see how it plays. For now, great job in being original.
  3. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic win man, orbital tracks usually suck but you cracked open the shell and released the awesomeness of the other maps of the mmp

  4. Dude2133

    Dude2133 Ancient
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    me and my friend just played this ,one of the most decent race maps on orbital i like how the speed boost works, i dont have any cricism 5/5
  5. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    Damn, I was gona be the first one to post a good race map on here so I could actually do something original, but you beat me to it. Oh well, I won't hold that against you. 5/5, you did close to the best job possible with this map, good work.
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Very creative. The risk of the speed bumps is a good original addition, and I love your tunnel. It wasn't really necessary to build it, but you did anyways. I love to see the extra effort. Great job.
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    This looks really good for a racetrack on Orbital, but it's a bit unfair because it's so narrow. To make a track good you need it to be a bit wider so people can pass other up instead of a giant single-file line. One thing I think would help the problem is maybe turn the tunnel into a two way tunnel, people can either go on top or through the bottom, it may host some awesome, memorable gameplay.
  8. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Ok, thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'll use that comment for help with my second version. I'm also hoping to:

    -Make a better starting system
    -Add more decoration and guidance along the way
    -Use geo-merging to create jumps and small bumps
    -Create a banked turn out of doors...
  9. lil-zdub

    lil-zdub Ancient
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    Very nice map played it with my friend and we had fun. Very fast paced and my friend hit the speed boost on accident and he went blazing past me. I would improve some geo-merging and make a one of the straights, whoops [bumps]. Overall I give it a 4/5.
  10. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really cool and well made for a orbital racemap. Every other racemap Ive played on orbital lacked the element of fun, which you might guess is important. Nice job 5/5!
    #10 ToxikPandaKoi, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  11. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    You have to be creative to make a good race map on orbital. Ill DL and try it soon!
  12. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    most race maps on orbital are very easy to cheat on and it looks like this one is not, good job =D
  13. Ace Cavalier

    Ace Cavalier Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I've got to give you credit, this is thee best Orbital Race Maps I've seen. You got my download!
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The tunnel is expertly merged. And the course itself is not too bad and orbital itself makes a sorta loop. So it's not unexpected someone would make a race map of it. Not as trippy as some featured map, but it's unique. 3/5 overall. 4.5/5 forging
  15. MLG

    MLG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really cool and well made for a orbital racemap. Every other racemap Ive played on orbital lacked the element of fun, which you might guess is important. Nice job 5/5!

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