I was thinking last night about a new creative map that would throw in an odd edge to the game, and this is what i came up with... we put a big pyramid in the middle of the foundry map, with 4 entrances, one on each side, about halfway up there will be entrances also and to get into these you must jump into the grav. lifts that will be in the middle of a "barrier" cube so it looks hidden and more scenic. off in the back we will have a small wall against the corner with a sniper tower and at the top of the pyramid would be a weapon holder with rocket or whatnot, then in front of the pyramid have a wall of shield doars blocking all the doors into the back hallway parts of foundry. behind here we can out mancannons to shoot out into the pyramid pit. i think it would be cool for LW, TS, or even objective games where one team defends the pyramid and the other tries to reach the top and grab the bomb/flag
its been done. several times. the most recent i can thing of is Aztec Ziggurat. its in the competitive maps section, buried a few pages back
i found it but it was not as i expected, i was thinking more of a hollow pyramid tryangle type thing not some boxes in the shape of one, but its covered i got my friend nathon green to help me make one i'll repost when we get further information and thanks for the aztec post, i found it, thanks again