HOW DO YOU DO PORTAL TAPPPING!! (aka. Get a Reveiver Node to go through somewhere on a level or thing.)
Set an object (Preferably with door properties) to spawn 30 seconds into the round and place a spawn point next to the object so you will know where it is at. Now start a new round and place a receiver node under where the object will be spawning. Also place a box to spawn 30 seconds into the game. Remember where this box is. Start a new round and go to the blue dot where your box is going to be spawning. Stand still until the box pushes you under the map. Immediately turn into a monitor to prevent you from dieing. Hover over to the receiver node and tap "A" once. You now have a receiver node underneath the map. Hope this helped. ~ForgeGod117~
um i dont think that was very helpful what im trying to do is this..
There are only a few areas where you can do that. rats nest's command center is one of the few places where this is possible. You would just keep pushing the teleporter towards the ground. if it is on foundry the above technique is the only real way.