i'm making a new clan it's Halo3 only. Name: Dark Steel Clan. Curently Recruting?: yes i wanted to make a choper/warthog expertise clan for a while now but needed recruits. if you want to join send a message to my gamertag.
it's just a group of pepople that are good at manuvering a warthog or a chopper. i've learned alot from people that are good at manuvering both of these vehicles.
Oh yeah! I'm like MLG Pro with a worthog... Or at least when I actually have a good gunner to help. lol. But, I don't think I'll join; I had a bad experience with a clan before and I am also lazy when it comes to things. I'll often drive around on a black canvas for hours trying to think of a good map idea. So, after a few hours of driving I'll natually get pretty good.
most of the things the clan would be doing would be practicing driving techniques. EX) someone can't seem to figure out how to drift around the corners on Ratsnest.one of the clan members that knows how shows them. we'd also try out other things obiously. THe clan would make its own map that all members would help to make. that'd be the clans meeting place to drive around on hogs and choppers. i also want to practice doing dog fights. that'd be cool to see bungie make a ap that had everything to do with air battles (like the part in campaign where you're flying from one tower to amother and the AA wariths are shooting at you.) they should make the AA wraiths useable
i would join but im probably the worst driver in the world i flip my warthog over on a dead body thats how much i stink at driveing lol and btw you go straight through dead bodys
i wasn't so great either, but i took a few hours and trained with a group (they're now not together anymore) that showed me how to do good jumps with the chopper on sandtrap and some good jumps on valhala.
Fallout, no offense, but that's being very general, which map were you on? Did you have a gunner? Did you get a splatter? Did you get many driving assists? I could do that on sandtrap, just drive in the guardian zone.
yes, you can join. anyone who wants to learn how to be good or is good with a chopper or warthog can join. look for Dark Steel in my social groups and you can sign up htere. i will post dates on which we'll meet for lesons or playing online (BTB and CTF mostly.) also i am currently forging a meeting place for the clan.