UPDATE: We just parted ways with our singer, we're seeking a replacement. Someone asked if I could put up our songs on youtube to a picture slideshow so that people who dont use myspace could easily listen. Well, I cant remember who asked, and theres a few of you who enjoy the music, so Im just making this thread. Theres only three now, but ill be adding more eventually. We've got some new stuff we're finishing up soon. Feel free to leave feedback about what you do or dont like. Please keep it intelligent and not just stuff like "this sucks ass!". Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rrkSaiQzWA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJATBnNqqew YouTube - "Falter" by The Silence BrokenYouTube - "Brokaw" by The Silence BrokenYouTube - "One Step Behind" by The Silence Broken DOWNLOAD "POOR CARMINE" FOR FREE!
*takes a sip of random drink on his desk* ..eww, this **** sucks balls. But I like poor carmine, how long till you guys become uber famous so i can harrass you for free money and such?
I thought the same thing. One of the ones on your myspace, Brokaw I think it is, would be a good tage song as well.
Hmm, something I am just now noticing is you guys could really use some fluxuations in tone when it comes to screams. For example. The Devil Wears Prada has some very deep, low-toned growls, as well as high pitched screams, creating a contrasting harmony of vocal syncopation (I think i know what that word means). Anyways, have you guys been approached by any labels yet? EDIT: Is there anywhere I can download any of these?
i had no idea that you and your band had the ability to emit pure energy from your music. thats amazing. first off id like to say that poor carmine has stuck with me for a long time, and the collaboration of musical instruments at the intro in it is mind blowing. as you already now however, i have a very hard time understanding the vocals, so i really have no idea why falter is faltering and in search of hope is in search of hope. lol.
Matt has been experimenting with different screams on some of the newer songs, no need to worry about that. We'll be releasing some probably next month and you'll see what I mean. As for downloading them, we are broke nobodies, so handing out our music for free to anyone who asks is basically cementing us in a nowhere position. If you like the music enough, it will be available via iTunes within a few months at the most. Sorry if that seems rude. The label part is a basic no. We are a small no name band from a city where music isnt looked for. It would be a very slim chance that we'd be signed. EDIT: 2 more songs added up.
You're cool and all, but the singing is driving me nuts! I can't stand his voice, I'm sorry, I just can't. It's too... deep. I don't know. The singing is the only aspect I don't like. Sorry dude, the instruments are pretty nice sounding.
I personally think screams should be used sparingly for either backround sound or a (single) chorus/verse if that ever comes up into conversation.
John is there anywhere I can get One Step Behind and Poor Carmine? I personally like the screams although only a few of my friends find them appeling.
Sad Face need more poor carmine on my xbox ='[. No but really I am not a person of this style of music but yet poor carmine has me listening to it over and over again..it has just the right amount of screaming in it that it doesn't make me run away..and I always love songs with keyboard stuff in it, you guys did a very well job on it..and I hope that you do get somewhere with your music its amazing.
Curses foiled agian well I'll just have to do with Falter, In Search of Hope, Brokaw. I'll definatly download them when they come out.
While it wasn't my type of music there's defiantly enough of a following for it. I listened to all of the songs and while they do sound nice (much like Breaking Benjamin) there was no "one song." None that made me feel "oh this **** is sick, I'll go d/l the whole album." Screams are fine for this genre imo, not over the top but it sounds like it should. While I can understand the sentiment about it being your income, public sharing is a great way of getting your name out there. A lot of bands have released their albums through various torrent sites to get recognition, and for the most part it's worked.