Soccer Field A fully functional, infinite scoring system based soccer field Map Variant Game Variant Map Overview Each team spawns on opposing sides marked by their bomb. The objective is to knock the ball into the goal marked by the friendly (blue) bomb, and to prevent the ball from going into the goal marked by the enemy (red) bomb. This is the same for both teams. Goal Action Shots Doubles Mines Bigger Than Yours That Guy Had It Coming Two Vs One (Fair in My Book) Scoring System The scoring system in this map is by far one of my greatest inventions... and I truly mean that. When the ball passes into the goal it is sent up and around on to the top of the map and pushed into a slot, where it is suspended by shield doors. The ball is also trapped from sliding out of the slot and back down to the map by a pallet. Once the ball makes it to this slot it wil be blocking the reciever node for that sides goal. This will then allow a player to grab the bomb (above the goal they scored in) and precede into said goal. They will be sent to the top of the map and will arm the bomb. The following explosion will break the pallet which will release the ball back into the map. (NOTE: Successive scoring is the only thing that will not work on this map. There must be at least a 10 sec period between arm time and ball reaching the slot again. However, this is a very rare/ non-existant occurence.) Goal Slot (Unblocked) Goal Slot (Blocked) Goal (Blocked) Down The Scoring Tunnel Ball Arming Ball Releasing (NOTE: The above pictures are shown chronologically) Side Notes Player Traits 200% Speed, 200% Gravity, Invunerable Game Settings 4 Minute Round Duration, 2 Rounds, Highest Score Wins (PS - Don't flame me, I know this has been done alot but none of the previous ones have such a well working (infinite) scoring system and I have been asked to post this by many people)
Great map, aesthetically it is simple, yet basic when you venture around, nice ad neat, and a very innovative scoring system! Nice semi-re-creation!!!
nice job, sarge. i like how you made the scoring system, it's a wonderful idea. i must give you kudos for the scoring system- that makes the map. that whole teleporter and the "scoring tunnel" (which reminds me of those bowling maps haha) looks and sounds great. i haven't tested it yet, but i will definately dl this. 4/5
Looks like a cool map. Seen a couple of 'em, (not sure if they were by you) but this one is by far teh bestz!!1!!11!one!!1! Anyway guy up top, when the ball isn't there you pop up in the middle and when it's blocked it takes you to another place (the scoring tunnel [as far as I can see]).
Amazing. I saw the other map that was soccer related but this one is much bigger because you didn't use up valuable recources making a floor. When sandbox comes out I am hoping you will make a second one. But bigger! 4.5/5 exellent job. You have my DL.
The gameplay is basic, but don't most soccer games play the same way? But what I am impressed by is the scoring; it's a genius setup. Most soccer maps I've seen don't even have a scoring system. And if they did, it was a "one score per round" dealy. Your system is quite unique and is probably the best out there for continuous scoring. And you've also got a roof . Well done. You've got my DL
I like how everything is put together. Most people do make these soccer maps but this one is different from most that I've seen!
WOw. THis is the best soccer map iv'e seen. It is beautifully forged and the game play is great, though I recommend that you lower the speed of the players.
wow this map is awesome. i really like the idea of a soccer field. i like how the ball get reloaded and then placed in the middle. i think this will be a very popular map that a lot of people will download. my favorite part is the fence-boxes making a slant.
I at first skipped over this... Soccer maps are way overdone. But this has one of the greatest scoring systems ever. And it truly does make the map. I am hoping for a reimagination of this on sandbox when/if you get a hold of it. Soccer needs a make over, and I think you could do it. But this is truly the best soccer map, and for those of you who like halo soccer you should use this map for sure. Love the scoring system! ShibbyLib
Looks great, plays well. 4/5 Here is some info you may like to hear: I discovered in the vain pursuit of making myself a soccer map that if you place a double box so the smooth, green side is facing up, and then you interlock a normal wall within it, you can still see the very top of the wall, but without bumps! Soccer field lines, anyone?
ah this is an average level scoring system. haha just kidding sarge great job. is it this or pong that is going to be on favs?
The scoring system doesn't require honesty, just that you score the ball. Because if the ball hasn't been knocked into the goal then you can't pass into the goal to gain your point. So, no honesty necessary... just be better than your competitor.