Mlg Plubder... Bungie favorite Mlg Plubder is my first map on BUNGIE FAVS as well as my first mlg map and is made with ctf in mind but i belive is also good for all other mlg gametypes. Plubder is a symetric map with a pit style layout the middle ground is quite open so making use of the side tunnels is almost a necessity. Each base has 2 floors and multiple ways to enter/exit for hotly contested ctf matches. Theres not really much i can describe that a pic cant so heres an overview Standard mlg weapons and powerups apply. 6 brs 2 carbines 1 sniper (didnt use to be in it but after playing with a few groups it was highly requested) 1 rocket launcher 1 custom powerup Hope you enjoy criticizm on weapons and weapon placement appreciated forge Techniques used. interlocking, Budget glitching If you dl please use custom games to look at it as i have forced spawns on many objects. If you do use forge to look at it remember to start a new round so everything spawns properly. link for download : Halo 3 File Details Please comment, Rate and especially DOWNLOAD. sorry for grammer. ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!
nice map short and sweet, but i dont under stand the point of the back hall wall where the custom power up is. there isn't much point to it but it stil look like nice map. hey by the way, how did you make the grassy pent yerd? the galf wholes rights? well are they just up side down? oh. hey i just put all our post in one, so where not spaming, delete you other post so we dont get in trouble.
Hey it's cool to see that people are finally starting to use that grass technique! The map looks a bit sloppy in some areas though. Also fix the grass so that it doesn't stick out of the walls.
Yea these pics are from an older version. I dont know what you mean by grass sticking out? The only spots i can see are in an unplayable area of the map but i can see how you would make the mistake. I might photoshop out the unplayable area later.
I like this map. The grass is a cool technique being used recently. There could be a bit more interlocking, to make it smoother (after all its an MLG map). But other than that I like it, and I think it can work for more than just MLG, if you tried. Oh by the way, can you provide a link to the BER Creek you said?