the point of this game is to knock off all of the other warthogs and be the last one one. The gametype has no real scoring to it, its just for fun. If u have and idea for the scoring please let me know. Co Forged by IMA STEAL SOME1 (me), JohnBreaksFace, and x c0llin x. MONSTER JAM MAP- ***NEW***MONSTER TRUCKS GAMETYPE KotH- After 60 seconds it will be JUICY!!!!!!! SPIDER MONKEY CLAN
This map is okay ... But, it looks a bit too rushed. The idea has been done before also, and the other versions are a bit better than yours. Nice idea, but no DL for me. 2.5/5
maps not that great, one thing for v2, make a man cannon spawn on every warthog spawn ledge, that pushes them in at 20 secs for if they decide to wait out the game up there
i tried it, doesnt work too great it spawns under them and they still stay on unless they move. my friends play it for realy and i boot ppl who cheat. the others ones aren't too good because they have kill balls in the middle and mine is original.
This map is decant but has been done way to many times before. The first Monster Trucks on Sandbox actually looked almost identical to this one only that the warthogs spawned in the level. I would suggest making a version 2 and coming up with something that has never been done before in this type of map. I give it a 3.5/5 because it is well forged but it does require honor rules and their is nothing origonal about it. Buenos Noches!
wow this map has been remade so many times its not funny i remember the first one was made in last resort. Also the platforms are bad people can stay up there and wait for everyone to kill themselves Pretty cool to see different versions
This type of map has been made so many times that there is really no point in making one, unless your going to make yours better than the rest. Your map looks like it was rushed, because there are cracks in the ground. I have seen so many maps like this so sorry but, compared to other maps this is 1/5
Honestly... how many people need to make these kinds of monster jam maps. There is nothing original about this map, no new elements introduced, hell you didn't even bother to merge to make it neat. Furthermore, you advertise a halo clan which sounds really nerdy by the way. And you used JUICY? Gross. Effects are a no-no. 1/5.
Making it neat definitely won't hurt you. Even if you are driving, you can still feel the rigid bumps. Also, the original one on Standoff plays much better than this in terms of shape, gameplay, and versatility, which is a little sad because of the capabilities in Sandbox over Standoff. Try again.
We need a Monster Jam variant for Sandbox, but it's just too easy to make. You should make it more practical than just a slab in the skybubble. Make a suicide device that kills off the guys after 3 minutes or so. Make something cool, like a shield door system that flings the people halfway across the skybubble when they get pushed off the edge. Or something. This is okay, but it's just too lazy.