Duck Huntin'! V2.2 [New Sandbox Version!] DUCK HUNTIN'! V2.2 PLAYERS: 4-10 players. Hey everybody, I'm back with a better version of my Sandbox made, Duck Huntin'! map. Duck Huntin'! is a new version of the classic Duck Hunt maps on Foundry that, undoubtedly, you have played before. It is a great re-make that I spent quite a lot of time making. I tried my very best to make the map UN-CHEATABLE, and I think I have suceeded. There's no map-skipping now! You may think the map is small, but I think it is just the right size. Not too big. Not too small. NEW THINGS IN V2.2: 1. Some of the objects weren't on place at start. That has been fixed. 2. AN EXTRA FLOOR HAS BEEN ADDED DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND! 3. More cover has been added in at the start and around the course for more balanced gameplay. PICS: A big overview of the map. (Notice new floor) New Floor! The start of the course! (Not spawn point). The spawn point. The duckies spawn here then go into a teleporter that teleports them to the start of the course. Once you've passed the couse, you go into the teleporter: But, you don't go onto the big floating bridge: You go HERE! The new floor! New equipment: :: ACTION SHOTS :: Bye, bye hunter. Can't get me! Close, but no cigar. ------- Here's the downloads: Download: Duck Huntin'! V2.2 Download: Open Season (Gametype required to play) Have fun! ------------------- NEW VERSION CREATED BY Kryticate Kryticate's version of my Duck Huntin' Map creatively named DuckHintin'!V2.5, is a modified version of the map. It has slightly different cover, and a different ending. Also, dont stay in the duck spawn room for long ... Check it out! DOWNLOADS: DuckHuntin'!V2.5 Use the traditional 'Open Season' gametype up the top for correct gameplay. ---------------------------------
There are way to many of these, but this one stands out a bit probobly because it is the only one that has it ubove a death barrier. plus the first one i had seen on sand box.
Yes there are a lot of Duck Hunt maps, but to be honest, most of them suck. So I made V1, then I made the current version, V2.
It looks like an awesome gametype (just DL'ed). I personally LOVE duck hunt, and it is one of the few games my friends will play. It looks well forged, and very even for the ducks and hunters. My only complaint is the length. It seems like it could be longer, but maybe that would be a bad thing. I will have to play it with my friends and check it out. Great job! EDIT: My fault for not reading your post completely. I saw your comment about the length, so I will have to check it out and get back to you on what I think.
Thanks! Yes, the length could be longer but sometimes it can go on for too long. So when you're the hunter it doesnt get majorly boring.
duck hunt has way too many versions. they are starting to get old. it could have been longer. I do like that this is on sandbox instead of foundry. I never thought of making one of sandbox. Nice job
Yes, there are a lot many versions ... but this one I think will be the best one for a while. It's very fun though.
I had a version one time that was on Standoff and used a Gauss Cannon. Then I saw something along this nature on a youtube vid. It definitely looked more entertaining. Now yours in the Skybubble looks amazing. You have my DL and I will be checking this out tonight. Not to mention this one looks pretty sweet.
i love the hunters booth, very ingenious, but what if you have like 14 people, dont you think it should be longer? and for the spectator box, make them have 2 lives, you could make it so the zombie spawns dead, in space, and the humans get realeased after 10-20 secs to go about the course after the zombie respawns. So, yeh, just my idea.
this is good cause its on sandbox, but i like some foundry ones better. One thing to change would be taking the FX thing off to make it lighter, that will make it more enjoyable to play.
I love playing this map with my friends...Since nobody has really made duck hunt maps on sandbox...And the Foundry duck hunt maps have just gotten old...but some of my friend and me think it's a little tiny. Not too tiny, but pherhaps try making one more floor if you ever make a different version...Also I think you should put more bubble/barrier items on the map, along with some flares since the foundry duck hunt maps also had them... Either way i give it 4/5.
Yes. There will be a V2.2 coming soon that might include more track, and more flares/equipment. Hang in there.
Idea: I will have to give you 1/5 TOO MANY DUCK MAPS But the skills of forging and the effects etc. Make me give this a 3.5 or 4/10 I haven't played yet so can't tell perfectly.
I played it with a few of my friends and they all agreed that it needed more of a duck running area. And There needs to be some bubble shields at the start, everyone seems to get picked of from the start. And I think that the hunters booth is very good. I just wished it was bigger.
Yes, it might be made bigger soon. And maybe some more equipment. I'll just need to get around to it.
yaaaaaag, duckies with rocket launchers!!! we all gonna die! lol, this looks cool, the hunters booth was a great idea and the bar looks really cool. will DL 4.15/5
This map is actually somewhat similar to the map me and my friend are working on (mostly me). Except it is ghost crab hunting and they will have poor camo. The forge is still in process but if you want to help I could arrange that. Send me a message.