Sandbox Battle Zone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gandhi, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Criticism is welcome! Just make sure if you say my map is bad, you tell me why so I can improve! Anyway, the map took about 3 hours to make. It uses all three levels. The teams spawn in/on/around their base. Nodes send you to other parts of the map (either in the sky for dog-fighting or in the Crypt for close quarter combat in tunnel network). The nodes that have a Spartan Laser next to them go to the Sky Bubble, while the nodes with the Battle Rifle next to them go to the tunnels. The map was made for 8-12 players.

    In-Depth Description of Map
    Sky Bubble Area - This area of the map is basically a dog-fighting zone. There are two bashees and one transport hornet for each side. This area is useful for sneaking into an enemy base without taking the risk of running across the map.

    Main Floor - This area is where the bases are located. Each base has a warthog and two mongooses. There are also two nodes at each base that send you to the Sky Bubble to dog-fight or to the Crypt to sneak through the tunnels. Red base has an Active Camo while the Blue Base has an Overshield. Both bases have a rocket launcher behind them, but use them wisely as they only have 2 shots. Under the Camo/Overshield spawn is a mauler, which I recommend taking into the Crypt for an advantage.

    The Crypt - This part is basically a network of tunnels. You can either take the right or left path, but you can guarentee that you'll run into some enemies. The tunnels is full of turns, making the team that can get the shot gun dominate down here. As I said before, take a mauler into the Crypt, or you'll be sorry once you get shot gunned.


    Q: What's the point of going down to the Crypt / up to the Sky Bubble?

    A: Well, I'm going to split this into two parts:

    Sky Bubble - Like I said above, if a team isn't patrolling their sky bubble, the enemy team can sneak into their base unnocticed. The sky bubble also gives a view of the entire map (besides the Crypt), making a good sniper, or even someone good with the laser, dangerous from above.

    The Crypt - Very useful in CTF. You grab the flag , head down to the Crypt, and make your opponent guess what tunnel to take. And, like the Sky Bubble, you can sneak into an enemy base.

    Q: Wouldn't the team that has the shot gun dominate the Crypt?

    A: Sure, against a team that has no strategy. Have one squad of people go one way, and have another squad go the other. There is also a mauler at each base.

    Q: Why is it a Transport Hornet and not a regular hornet?

    A: Because the normal Hornets are war machines. Everyone would go crazy for them.







    Game Types
    Capture the Flag
    Big Team CTF
    Team Slayer
    Big Team Slayer

    Please DL!
    #1 Gandhi, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    You need to actually embed your screenshots correctly. To do so, go to, type in your gamertag, click "upload", then Copy & paste the BB code (high impact Halo) over here.
  3. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    will do
  4. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Also change your title to just the map name not all the DL/rate and Gametypes and Pics stuff just Battlezone.
  5. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How do you edit titles???

    Oh and doesn't have all my pics.
  6. Darkness Seeping

    Senior Member

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    go to inbed screenies here (to learn)
  7. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I fixed the pictures, but I still can't edit the title.
  8. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure how to change the titles either, but try asking a moderator they should help you.. First off, welcome to Forgehub. Now on to the map. The map looks very nice. I like how you incorporated all three levels of Sandbox into your map. I would be great if you could take a picture of the tunnels, so people could see what the tunnels look like. I would also suggest fixing up the cover in the center and make it a little more neat. 4/5
  9. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Any tips on how to make the cover look nicer? However, I have run out of objects to place on the map. Oh, and the small ruined pole is supposed to be leaning against the bigger one.

    And about the tunnels, I have more pics, just doesn't want to upload all of my screen shots for some reason.
  10. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By nicer cover I mean, add cover that benefits your map. Don't make it look like you added something, just to add cover. I'm going to download your map and put some cover in the middle and post the link up on this same post and you can then download and take a look and see if you like it or not.
  11. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sure! Oh, and to everybody reading this, I need people to test the map out. I need at least 8, but really want 12-16.
  12. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would also suggest removeing the juicy effect because in the tunnels, it's really really dark and it's hard to see.
  13. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    K. And I also made the Overshield/Camo respawn longer. 30 seconds was WAY to short. And I added some stuff to my original post.
  14. Gandhi

    Gandhi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i just got your version. i'll test it tomorrow. i'm off xbox for the night.

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