My first time post is a classic Halo 2 remake of the map Lockout on Sandbox. This map begs to be played for endless hours. It's close quarters combat provides for grenade warfare, while the outskirts of the map offer good sight lines for longer ranged weapons. Enjoy! Recommended Players: 2-6 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, SWAT Stoned Out Back of the BR Tower Sniper Tower Gravity Lift Room Backside of Sniper Tower Shotgun Tunnel Library Moshpit
This map looks average but what the hell is the point of remaking lockout when bungie already made a remake!? Honestly why did you waste your time on this when you could've just been playing on blackout, which is way better then the map you just made? I'm not even going to bother rating this.
i dident realize it was lock out before so i was going to say 'this is blackout' it reminds me of lock out but it kinda isent the same feel have you tested it yet to see how people like it if you want send me an invite and we could test 4/5
I'm not trying to be mean but why did this guy waste his time forging this?? It's just pretty much a down grade of blackout. It's like trying to remake gaurdian on sandbox. Makes no sense.
last pic take out ramp it will get in the way more then it will help and ou can still walk on bridgge but honestly remaking this map was pointless
If you don't have anything to say about the map don't say anything. The only thing you're doing is spamming up the thread with unneeded comments. If you're going to say there's no point i making the map, give examples. I also agree with it being pointless but i gave examples why. The map looks ok. Some objects look out of place and in certain spots, the map look like a pro made it and other parts the map looks like a five year old was playing around in forge mode. I also agree with skarrow that it was pointless to make a version of blackout/lockout. Also remove the juicy effect. If your going to use an effect at least make it change the mood of the map. For example in an infection map, gloomy actually improves the feeling of the match, but on your map there is no need for a juicy effect. 2/5 If you're going to make a remake of guardian take the base of it and then expand on it. Maybe add your own twist onto it. No one is really going to download a remake of a map that they already have. So add your own twist.
It looks good, but I assume you made this remake because you aren't completely satisfied with Blackout. I'd suggest adding a few small wedges in areas that had jumps in H2. For example, if you add one to the door from elbow to suicide room, you can access S2 from elbow.
I got a remake of Narrows, which happens to be very good. Much better than vanilla Narrows. The name is Ancient Narrows if anyone wishes to give the map a try. I'll try and edit this post with a download link. This map wasn't made by me. EDIT: Ancient Narrows
ok dude i know how you feel. i made a gaurdian remake because its fun and i put it on here to see if people like it. but the only comments i got was how pointless it was to make it. but you know it was really fun to see how close i could get it. and i learned things making it. so if you think its stupid than dont comment and spamm. its pointless. the guy want to learn how to get better and see how people around the wourld like his creation. giv him some slack. On the map. decent job. some things arent quite preportional to the actual map but thats ok. just make sure you really take your time on maps. it makes you feel way better about your map wen its beautiful looking. so good job man. your learning.
ROFL! Why the hell would you, ok, making remakes of remakes are stupid. Nothing against your map, because its prob fun to play sometimes. I just personally think, whats the point of making a map that we already have. I don't want to be mean like the dude with blue text lol I might DL tonight if im not too busy trying to work on my conquest map.
Dude don't spam this, it's annoying as hell. Oh and if you were too blind to realize, a Halo 3 map remake just happens to be featured on this site. Also, don't insult the guy for trying. If you want to rant on how stupid you think the idea is, get out of the map forum and go to halo forge discussion. Onto the map, I like how you kept lockout's design but it probably will not play the same. Oh and if you want to make some improvements the add railings to the sides. I won't fall off, personally, but on my maps people always would complain about falling off, and still do even though I put railings on about 80% of the map. Just speaking from experience.
I'm not going to go off and say this is a great map, but i know that you definatly spent good time on this map. So... it is a good repilca and is just about the same layout wise. A good addition would be a tall railing in the middle area because that's where alot of fighting will go and and easy to fall off. Don't mind when other people say it looks like crap, the only thing that's crap is them. But if you put up some railings in narrow and more heavy fighting areas that would be a big plus on gameplay and looks. I like any remake map so keep forging. And maybe insted of actually doing an exact remake in another version, maybe you can add some creative things to make it better.
please argue to each other through a PM or something, thats not what these threads are about. but the map seems bumpy in places which can be fixed with a few hours. it does not look to scale with lock out but neither was black out so thats not that big of deal. i really don't like the lighting fx though so if i DL i'm going to take it off. you forge what you want to forge. don't let people discourage you. off of looks alone 3.5/5 average