Barren Outpost Barren Outpost is a map devoted to slayer and objctive games. Large numbers of players suit this map a bit more tenderly, although 4v4 works great too. Each side has its own base, a tower, a bunker, and a tube style bunker. All Gametypes suppoorted. The first skirmage is to be fought over rockets at 'top mid' in a narrow corridor. There are 4 key structures that need to be kept to win the match. But enough with the description, here is the map... Weapons 2 ARs 6 BRs 2 Snipers, 1 clip 2 SMGs 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Turrets Equipment 4 Frags 6 Plasmas 2 Bubble Shields 2 Regenerators Vehicles 2 Warthogs 2 Mongeese BLUE SIDE Base Tower RED SIDE Base Tower Neutral Structures Strairs Side Fin Side Top Mid Another Overview DOWNLOAD Oh, and xPr0jEcTx FuRy made the middle structure, shhhhh.
Damn dude. Wow I'm quite impressed with your structures. Looks like you are one of the few to truly innovate and make stuff look new with the tools provided in Sandbox. DL for sure. But you don't mind if I steal that sexy sniper tower do you?
Wow. Those towers are brilliant. Love all the structures especially those towers. The layout seems perfect for slayer and objective type games. I'll definitely be downloading this when I get the chance. 5/5
I really like the layout of your map. It keeps a symmetrical feel while not having the exact same design for both bases and central location. Cool Grav Lift tower.
Wow this map is amazing. I love how you mad the map asymetrical, but at the same time made it symetrical. If you understand what i mean. I love the structures you used and i especially like the two towers and the middle structure. A definite download for me and great job, keep forging. 5/5
Kurty... I thought I said you could only use my middle structure if you give me credit... I dont see my name up there. Oh, there you go. Thanx
I love it when people find extraordinary ways to use ordinary objects. I love the look and layout of this beauty. DL'd and playin on it in a few. 5/5