The other day I passed by a cops and robbers map and cannot find it. It was on Sandbox. I know this isn't very descriptive so just post your favorite Sandbox cops and robbers maps, thank you.
this is in the wrong section, get a mod to move it. the map on sandbox that you saw that was for cops and robbers was called sandcity and i think it was posted under minigame maps or casual maps. also, my favorite cops and robbers maps are station 69 and icicle canyon made by me. its a different type of cops and robbers and you might not like it but you should check it out. i tried finding it for you but i cant seem to find it either... he might have deleted it. theres also another one heres da link, this might be it:
you should post this in forge discussion or customer service... Or just use the map search and narrow it down to prefix: Sandbox..
Yeah the Ancient Prisons is the best cops and robbers map that I have seen on sandbox. Pablomeister already has the link so i'm not going to repost it.