A skate park By: Straight kill91 Supported Gametypes: Just skate Map Description The is my first map post. I wanted to keep the map simple and clean. While trying to keep the skate park feel, I wanted to add a few touches to make the map look full. I have added switches and random rooms to for people to spend hours and enjoy the map. It took me about 6 days to plan and make the map. The are only a few mistakes that I see but I don't know how to fix them. Switch Quarter Pipe Wall Ride Arch Pipe Grind Epic Soccer Balls! Truck Jump Mongoose only door I wonder what's in there? View of map from floor Feedback and a rating would be nice. Download A skate park Download Just skate
That looks pretty cool from all the other foundery maps ive seen that all look the same. Since I love skate parks ill give you 7/10
dont the soccer balls come up if touched looks good though i dl it so ill tell you what i think later from what i can see though everything looks great
It looks like a good map. I have a question why are there random stairs sticking out on the wallride? It makes the map look unnatural. Last question. How can mongooses grind on the rails?
The stairs help you get on the wall since mongooses can drive on the wall. Mongooses can grind rails sideways but its hard..
I have never actually played on a skate park map but, they always seem to look very fun. I like the truck ramp because it's very original and I haven't seen any other map that has it (correct me if I am wrong). the soccer balls are very cool and add a cool look to the map. The giant half pipe is also a cool and smooth. Overall I'll give you an 8/10. Nice job keep on forgeing. Um what type of switch is that?
Not bad, definetly not the best one I've ever seen(there's another that got featured I belive which is awesome), but still looks fun neverthless. The half pipe looks smooth, and I wonder if mongooses could do tricks off of it... Overall looks fun, what does the switch do BTW? I'll give 4.5/5, and a dl once I get rid of some maps.
excellent job! some interestingly original structures in here- i think its safe to say that you acheived what you were trying to get at =) i will dl, but i think that the ramp over the trucks- both sides could probably be rounded with another fence wall? it would smoothen out the jump, and probably make u go higher- if thats what you want. just fiddle with it a bit is all im saying other wise nice job. cant really rate it tho as its a skate park- most of the tricks and such are personal opinion, but a 4/5 for the forging job. nice geomerging and interlocking. especially the soccer balls *.*