Zombieville Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I made this map off of my other map Adobe Town . I was going to make a v2 of Adobe Town but instead created a whole new one and ended up with this. This map is for Infection gametypes only. There is a warthog, guass and a mongoose. Walkways link the buildings together and weapons litter the map including a flamethrower. there are 2 machine gun turrets on the map. 1 on the ground floor and one on a roof. If you can try to get a good game on this map I haven't tested it much yet. And there is no specific gametype for it. Just use and Infection game variant. There is also merging and some geomerging. overveiw Zombie spawn human spawn flamethrower spawn sniper spawn front of village Action pics another action pic
Nice map. I love how you used the gloom effect to give it that scary feeling and how there are multiple buildings and how there are multiple ways to defend the base. A few pieces are a little crooked here and there, but thats not bad. 5/5 EDIT: I would suggest giving the zombies some camo so it gives it a little more of a creepy feeling and it would make gameplay harder.
cool, i remember posting to adobe town, well great to finally see it. It looks grat, good thing you remade it, it was a little messy, o well, download for me not really much i can say to imrpove on, untill i play, the forging looks good. all i can ask is is the zombies spawning all around in the black or in only one space which would make spawn killing easier. I suggest you make them starting spawn like at the front, but stay in a cage for like 30 secs to let the humans get ready, and the cage is made with bars so its like they escape. with that you could also make a story for it
Very cool map and idea..this would be even better if you made a giant fence around the city with broken parts in it. Say a warthog crashed into it or somthing. You would have to make it to where the humans couldn't make it out and zombies could get in. It would be hold out for as long as possible. Now that would be fun.
This seems like a really cool infection map. Love the gloomy effect and the structures seem made really well. I think the multiple entrances add to great gameplay. The walkways between the buildings are a nice touch too. I'm hoping to get some games on it later. 4.5/5 for now.