i dont have the mythics and i cant play xbox until the 28th, and then i'll probably play bioshoc and cod:waw if i am limited on time. if im not, then ill do it and post it, but im betting that ill still have limited time on my xbox. so i doubt ill ever make it; 2 hours every week isnt enough time to waste forging.
alright ill probably try to do it then, but ill probably wait until after i do the halo 3 campaign. Then ill move on to halo 2 and maybe even halo CE. we'll see how it goes
I call dibs on this structure. Thankyou! Yeah, I just figured I'd say. I've had my mind on this for a while, but wasn't possible in Foundry. Now I have Sandbox but I'm working on about 3 other maps before I can start on this.
You know the level in Halo CE, The Silent Cartographer? You could re-create one part of the inside level near the end. Or maybe Assualt on the Conrol Room, one of the bridges in which you fight eachother at distances from the bridge. Yes, that sounds pretty good. EDIT: I want the AotCR Bridges.
Hate to rain on your parade, but I don't think this will work too well. Campaign has tons of different terrains. You can only do so much in forge.
well yah, but i think its a given that everything would have to be structures anyway. perhaps the part of silent cartographer the structure with the map room? it would be so kickass if there was all the floors and death barriers and such.
So here's an update, I found out that its going to be impossible to do some of the levels in forge lol. So here's what I'm probably going to do. I think i'm going to scale everything down just a little so everything will fit. And I'll just make whatever levels I can.
theres no need for that on most actually. you could probably make the interior of the level "343 guilty spark" from halo 1 in the crypt with a budget glitch.
IMO the easiest levels to remake would be almost all The Storm, Floodgate, Crows Nest, and maybe portions of The Ark, and The Covenant. The admins should think about making this into a contest, would be interesting to see what ppl could come up with.
Maybe you could try making the final area of Cortana (Where you blow up the Reactors) in the Skybubble of Sandbox. That would be pretty cool.
why not the part on crows nest where you verse the brutes in the hallways with the pipe above or another part from that mission. why dont you do it where the pelican is and when the brute jet packs come. would be kinda fun, and it also has the fall to death element that the skybubble can do. thats just my idea tho, dont have to do it