AND CANNOT ****ING GET THEM PERFECTLY SMOOTH WHEN INTERLOCKING IN MID AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you do this??? I am so pissed off, I have spent a couple hours on TWO TUNNEL PIECES!!! ways ive tried: surrounding with double walls to make a frame same as above with double blocks same with tall collumns using spawn points to line it up perfectly (THEN IT ****ING MAGICALLY CHANGES WHILE I SAVE) any other interlocking technique i can remember, ive tried.
Sounds like the same problem Bridges have in Foundry, and to all knowledge there isn't a way to fix it. Please correct me if I'm wrong... How bad is the bump?
Not bad at all, but i would like it to be aesthetically better (the trim on the corners of the inside should be lined up...) which also would get rid of a bump altogether
are you talking about that you are trying to save and quit the object in a specific spot and you have other blocks lined up against it to brace it? yet each time you save and quit, the object ends up slightly crooked? if so, the solution i have found (doesnt always work perfectly) but, make sure when you are holding the object in place that you are not actually "pushing" the object any farther than the exact spot you want it to float in. usually this solved the problem for me, but it still took a couple tries.
make four stone colums in each corner of the first one, and slide the second on, but if the colums aren't straight, than it won't work... if you want to interlock them, make it so the colum sticks out of the tunnel piece a little bit...