So i remember maps from halo 2 that im sure most of you have forgotten! Does anyone remember waterworks? Its never talked about and i loved the map because of its uniqueness. Also i never hear anyone talk about Containment, Terminal, or Burial mounds So please can someone remake one of my favorite halo 2 maps on sandbox? Or if there are remakes of any of these please tell me. I can forge pretty good but when it comes to remakes im not attentive enough. If anyone considers it here are links to each maps detail page>>> Waterworks: Halo 2 Waterworks - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy Containment: Halo 2 Containment - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy Terminal: Halo 2 Terminal - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy Burial Mounds: Halo 2 Burial Mounds - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy
what map would you make waterworks on, most of the nessecary materials are only on foundry and sandbox, but thats not excacly the place you'd want to make a map like this.
Sandbox It doesnt have to be 100% accurate with aesthetics. floor level or skybox would work. i believe the crypt is too small.
my new map im working on is a spiritual successor to waterworks... i havent forgotten about that map, but it's impossible to recreate without bungies tools.
I read in the forgotten treasures page that someone was possibly remaking terminal. You can check out the submissions page if you are curious to find it
Terminal is the best bet, its a 3 base situation with a rail running through it, i never thought of doing that map, if some one can help with geomerging i will attempt it i can merge objects very smoothly but i can't geomerge =(
Containment is my favourite map ever but it'd be quite hard for somebody to remake it since its quite large. There are plenty of terminal remakes out there also which are quite good but they dont quite recreate the whole epicness of Terminal for me.
Id give it a go but I never played halo 2 so I would neet a shizload of screenies to recreate any of the maps..
THe problem is you can't make a true remake because those maps are way too large. you could scale it down, but I feel you may run into budget problems. The best thing to do would be to make a spiritual successor.
I made a map with Containment in mind but Sandbox just isn't big enough for an accurate remake (or with Blocked Lasers, there wouldn't be enough objects). My map is basically an S shaped channel with slopes on either side which lead to down to bases, which are nothing like the ones on Containment due to lack of space and budget. Terminal would be the easiest to Forge because it is mostly blocking buildings and ramps but I think it might end up being too large. Burial Mounds would be made easier by its size and the fact that some of the objects on Sandbox are perfect (like the tunnels or obelisks). Waterworks would be best at ground level of the Blocked Lasers map, having the central machine cover the default playable area. I would basically build a second floor at the height of the dunes then have Killballs underneath. Whether the budget would allow it is another matter!
You forgot about Colossus. That was a very forgotten map that nobody really even played on in the first place.
I was just thinking that today, Colossus would be by far the easiest and the item's on Sandbox are perfect ramps, tunnels, etc etc.