Hello. Not my first or best map but my first post in the forge hub aesthetic section and map section. This map is no restaurant in-particular but contains a bar. Several tables, and a jam-packed kitchen. No guns but just for looks. You can add guns I honestly dont care. Comment and give me some tips on forge hub posting. Im new so sorry if I mess up. Main Overview of the bar and table section A few of the tables. (they are made many different ways) The bar A visitor walkin towards the podium Door to kitchen Kitchen pic 1 View 2 of the kitchen Stove (merged) and other parts of the kitchen Link - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Thanks to Parasites54 and Who Is tyler and the first several post's
The pic are down, so use haloscreenshots.net, but i must say that this looks like a cool map, and i love restraunt/ infection maps, just like burger king, that map was fun killing the zombies while they were taking orders or incenerating them at the drive-thru! cant wait to see the pics!
While the posts above mine did support a link they did not tell him how to get his pictures embedded. Once you go to HaloScreenShots type in your name in the search bar. Warning, it will take a few minutes to get your screen shots. Once your pictures load, click on each one individually and copy the link with Forge Hub in parentheses. Paste them in your post and you have pictures. You have 24 hours to fix this or a moderator will be forced to lock this thread. (sad face). No one else comment about the lack of pictures or he/she will get an infraction. Buenos Noches!
Your mom wasn't up to standards; That's why I got her so cheap. Anyway, I think the map could do with a bit of a clean up... I was thinking about making something similar, while using the stove idea used in that one mansion map with the fence wall on top of the bundle of propane tanks. Try it out, it got lots of attention.
i dont think i wanna try and fix the stove. But i am deffinetly planning on making a new seating room and maybe some more features and maybe turn it into a good zombie map. If anyone would like to help with the reconstruction send me a friend invite and a message. GT -MusicPimpJR Hopefully this map will someday have potential. I will be away until next monday so sorry if i take a long time to respond to anything