Supported Gametypes: Multi flag Team slayer Map Description Some of my friends say it looks like smashed but when i mad this map i havent even heard of it.So this is the first map i have posted on Forgehub,so be nice to me please.This is a symmertrical map called Flank set up for multi flag it plays well...hard beacuse the distance to the bases are short but are open and wide to kill the flag carrier.Can also be played with team slayer.I hope you like it. weapons: Br-14 Ar-8 carbin-2 mauler-3 shotgun-1 sniper-2 smg-2 spiker-2 plasma rifle-2 brute shot-2 rockert launcher-1 machinegun turrets-2 Equipment: power drain-2 bubble shield-2 regen-1 gravlift-1 camo-1 overshield-1 frag grenades-8 plasma grenades-14 Over view to rockets Download : Halo 3 File Details
looks a lot like smash, but probably plays differently. it looks good but i dont think i see any interlocking or merging the map is nice and clean but if you knew how to interlock excessively it would help this map out a lot. the weapons look balanced out and overall a good fist map.
The first fourth and fifth picture have obvious interlocking... I agree this does look a lot like smashed, mainly because of the stairs in the center, but the bridge should add something to gameplay. I suggest adding some more cover in the two walkways next to the stairs and bridge. Also, the machine gun turrets may be a bit much, so you may want to think about changing that.
yes i had been told many times by my friends that it looks like smashed but when i made it i didnt even played on the map or even seen it. And you think that are too many fusion coils? and the turrets are too much? i was thinking with the turrets where they are the flag carrier has to find different routs to take and the gunner has hardly ang cover so he can be easily taken care of. I tink you are right about the number of coils so i will fix that. If you see any problems or suggetions just post here. and thank you.
To learn how to do more advanced forging techniques such as interlocking, refer to the Forging 101 section of the website. Good luck! EDIT: Never mind, I guess you did interlock a little. Here around ForgeHub we try to interlock every object that is touching another object. It will make your map smoother and it will look nicer. I would check out the Forging 101 section anyways. There's a lot of good stuff in there.