Sandbox Bumpr Carz

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Minime637, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    Hello there my fellow ForgeHub fanatics. This is a map that a friend and i made way back in the the early days of Mythic, in March. We were just screwing around and having fun on Sandbox and my friend was way up in the SkyBubble fooling anround for about and hour. i decided to come up there and see what he was up to. Turns out he was working on a symmetrical bumper cars map. So i decided to help him out and add a few fun things to it...

    So Bumpr Carz, couldnt come up with a better name for it, is a small bumper cars map. it has serveral holes placed around the map that have a destructible pallet over it, so you can drive over it and fall through it. There are also 4 man cannons on each side of the map that, if taken in a vehicle or by foot, bring you fave to face with a killball. The goal of this game is to push the opponents off of the map. You have 2 lives and a pistol. You get 15 points for killing someone, by pushing them over the edge, and you loose points for assassinating people. Bumpr Carz has a variety of vehicles that include 4 Warthogs, one in each corner, and 2 choppers and 2 prowlers, that are on platforms above the arena. If you spawn up there you simply hope into a vehicle and drive off the platform onto the arena.

    This map and game type is best played with 2-8 people, although there are enough vehicles for 8 it gets a little crowded. Bumpr Carz should be played with the gametype Bumpr Carz.

    Here is the download link to the map ---> : Halo 3 File Details

    Here is the download link to the gametype ---> : Halo 3 File Details

    Now for some pictures, unfortunatley i was unable to save the action screenshots but i have pictures that show off the map.

    Birds Eye View of Bumpr Carz

    A view from the hog.

    The cannon of death.

    A view of the killbal and floating vehicles.

    Another overview.

    The ground floor and the holes.
    If there are any suggestions on how to improve this map please tell and i shall update it.
    I hope that you all enjoy this map, it is very fun to play locally with your friends. Enjoy.
    #1 Minime637, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009

    HIGHLYHATED42 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map. Pretty neatly forged. 4/5. I'll dl and test.
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    looks awesome! i like the pallet trap thing 8/10
    #3 Turkey bag56, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  4. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    The floating vehicles and pallet floor are good ideas. You could add more area to drive on. 3/5
  5. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Must be about the 91st bumper cars map i've seen on sandbox but it's still pretty good. The floating pallets are a great idea, especially when you destroy it from underneath someone xD
  6. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I agree with the above post; this has been done many, many times. That's okay though, because this one looks pretty good. I like the design and the holes in the floor. I'll give it a download and try it out.

    Also, I'm wondering why there is a shotgun on the ground in the second picture.
  7. waffle1313

    waffle1313 Ancient
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    Cool like the above the pallet trap thing is a good idea.

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