Sandbox Sorcery

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by OzPatriot, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Sorcery v2

    Sorcery V2
    The Halo 3 "spiritual successor" to Warlock
    Download updated Sorcery v2 here
    All updated version 2 information will be in orange text

    Warlock was always one of my favourite maps in Halo 2. I tryed to make a version of it on Foundry, but the whole "industrial" feel and limitations meant I could never do it justice. The reason I call it a "spiritual successor" is because I have made a few changes, instead of an exact remake.

    Firstly a special thanks and a mention must go to Squidhands. If it wasn't for his advice and taking his time to show me exactly what he meant, none of the changes I have made would have been possible. I think I have got the map just how I wanted it to be in the first place..So your $156 tip was very valuable. Thanks again.

    The most notable changes are:

    *The BR platforms have been made lower. Instead of the side bases and BR platforms being the same height with the centre structure being slightly higher, I have made the sides and the centre structure the same height, just to change up some of the lines of sight..I also makes the jump to camo in the middle slightly harder

    *The teleporters are no longer in rooms with gaps at each side. I felt that this wouldn't work as well for Halo 3 as the ports now spit you out the same way every time

    *I also added some equipment to give it more of a "Halo 3" feel, but more on that later.

    Sorcery v2 changes are as follows-

    * Borders have now been added to the parts that Titmar pointed out could be nade jumped out of. I made these from wood bridges as I felt it helped the ramps to the platforms not look so out of place. I also built them on an angle, rather than just stacking them on top of the wall simply because I thought it looked better.

    * I took out the whole purple lighting effect. It wasn't really doing it for me. Now the centre structure has a blue light only in the top.

    * The lights at the sides of the centre structure have been moved. There is now a clearly defined red and blue base.

    * Structures have been added to the tops of each base purely for the purpose of some extra aesthetics.

    * The camo is now sitting on a platform rather than just floating in mid air.

    * King of the Hill gametype added

    * General touch ups. The centre structure has been fixed so there a no more gaps in the top part and no more bumps on the ground.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the updated v2 pictures

    Some side notes/comments:

    * I know the map is breakable in someways, but not from conventional jumps..I have ditched maps in the past because someone may figure out some crazy way to get out, but I won't anymore..If it was being used in MM I would understand, but most of the times these maps are played as customs with friends. So unless someone finds a way to conventionally get out of my map in game, I won't be changing it

    *I really didn't want to use the wooden bridges as my ramps, but I had no choice with the budget I had left..I really wish Bungie put a stone version of these in because in someways I feel they completely ruin the look of my map, but what can you do :)

    *I know there isn't many weapons on the map but I strongly reccommend this map be played with BR/SMG starts. I learnt with other maps, that too many weapons on a map this small can completely break it


    *BR x 2
    *Carbine x 2
    *Needler x 2
    *Sword x 1
    *Bubble shield x 1
    *Power drain x 1

    The map is set up for Slayer and Multi-Flag..
    Now for the pics

    [​IMG] Overview​

    [​IMG] Overview from side​

    [​IMG] Teleport from above​

    [​IMG] Top of centre structure​

    [​IMG] Grav lift​

    [​IMG] Teleport​

    [​IMG] Centre blue side​

    [​IMG] Port and lift​

    [​IMG] Sword spawn​

    [​IMG] Centre Structure 2​

    [​IMG] Base from above​

    Sorcery v2 pictures


    Overview looking at red base


    Overview looking at blue base and centre structure


    One of the new borders to prevent nade jumping out


    Another view of red base from a lower angle


    Created by me, thanks for reading and any feedback or constructive criticism is muchly appreciated​
    #1 OzPatriot, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. Val

    Val Ancient
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    I think the centre structure is the best part. The outer areas are kinda rough near the top. Perhaps you could have merged them into the wall to make them neater.
    I think youve done the layout quite well, but if you want to capture the feel of warlock then i think you should have built the upper part of the room. Dont underestimate the value of building aesthetics that can be seen but cannot be reached. I understand if you didnt have enough objects, but it would look amazing if somebody built that.

    See all these really nice structures near the top. Oh and just looking at this picture i think it would have worked better if you used blue lights, perhaps imbedded in the scenery, just to give a more gloomy affect. Hey what am i thinking, you should have used gloomy lol.
    #2 Val, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  3. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Thanks for your reply, but I am well aware of how the original Warlock looked and of course I would have loved to have made it look like that, but with budget and all thats almost impossible...I did the best with what I had and like I said in my OP I changed it a little so its not an exact remake..

    I would use an effect, they look nice and all, but they are not good for gameplay imo, unless its infection or something like that. Also budget wouldn't allow me to anyway

    Also, I would have loved to have put a ceiling on the bases and the ports, but surely you can appreciate the limitations I had. While I agree with you with aesthetics, again I was limited and if I had of put too much emphasis on that side of it, I would have got bagged for not worrying about the gameplay..

    LOL I just read over my reply and it seems "angry", but really Im not, just trying to get across what I mean can be hard when typing, so please don't take it that way

    Again thanks for your reply, its appreciated
  4. SnakeEyes U74

    SnakeEyes U74 Ancient
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    This map plays great, and the scenery is awesome. Could use a little color or gloom effect to it. looks plain. but plays awesome. Nice work.
  5. Klammy

    Klammy Ancient
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    About time someone made an awesome re-imagination of Wizard/Warlock. I love how the lights make a purple lighting feel in the map.

    You might want to take more pictures though, it seems like the structures are blending in to the floor. Other that that, it looks fun, you have my Download spot.
  6. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Thanks bud and yeah I know what you mean about the pictures (I assume you mean the overview shots)..I would put more, but it wouldn't make much difference because of the nature of the objects in Sandbox..They are all the same colour and all blend in, but I figured most people would know the general layout of Warlock..

    To Snakeye: I did consider using an effect and tried a few out the combination of juicy and colourblind looked amazing, but I have played maps with effects on and I find it really off-putting. It may just be me though. I just think effects only work well on infection style maps but thats just my opinion..

    Like I said in my first reply, I would have loved to do so much more with this, but Im sure everyone appreciates the limits we all have to work under
  7. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    The effects throw alot of people off, but maybe with a little more budget I may have used them

    Anyone have any ideas what I could use instead of wooden bridges?
    #7 OzPatriot, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
  8. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    You might want to make the walls higher so no one can get out of it i downloaded it and quickly used a grav-lift and got out but thats the only flaw 3.9/5
  9. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Did you use an equipment grav-lift?? If so, refer to my original post..

    I tryed the four grav lifts and I couldn't reach the top of the map, but I will try again and see if your right..

    I would love to make the walls higher or even give it a ceiling, but budget won't let me..Like I said if the map is breakable IN GAME, I will do my best to fix it.. Thanks for your reply and DL
    #9 OzPatriot, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is definitely the best remake I've seen so far. I've only hopped around on it for a little bit with Titmar, but we both agreed that it is pretty well done and a great spiritual successor, as you say. Using the large corners in the center structure was a stroke of genius.

    Besides the wooden bridges, the only personal complaint that I had was the purple lighting. I'm not really digging the effect that it makes on many maps, not just this one. I'd prefer just the blue light, and I may do it on my own when I play this with friends. Like I said, it's a personal choice and I wouldn't expect/want you to change it for little 'ol me.
    If you have any left, just use the double walls. The main thing I don't like about the wooden ramps is that you can see through them, and that was part of the fun of outmaneuvering your opponents under there. Or, if you wanted to attempt a little geomerging (it works in the Crypt as long as the "teardrop" doesn't go under the map's geometry), use the Block, Huge. That would be a much larger undertaking, seeing as how you'd have to delete several items just to free up the cash for bracing. It may be worth a try if you were to enter in to a certain contest, lol
    For a quick fix I'd go with the double walls. The ramps would be a little steeper, but I would take it over being able to see through the wooden bridges.
    Overall, though: great job. I'll be keeping it on the hard drive and firing it up for my Halo 2 friends. Thanks for making it and I'll be on the lookout for more work from you.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    With some modification, this could be a great entry for the Remake Contest that was just launched! I've kept it on my hard-drive for a while and shown it to quite a few people, and most of us all agree that this is the most accurate re-make so far of this map. Certain things are slightly off, but it overall looks amazing.

    I suggest cleaning it up and releasing a second version for the contest. Also, Roche178 found a spot where you can grenade jump out of the map, but it seems like you have just enough budget left to block the spot so it shouldnt be a big deal.
  12. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Thank you very much mate, this and Titmars replies are the sort I have been wanting..

    First I will address the lighting as its sort of funny you mention it as its something that has been slightly bugging me for a bit, while I loved it at first..The problem with the purple I feel is that they give off a "pastel colour" look (bad description I know lol), while Warlock had a very dark feel, which is hard to replicate on Sandbox when everything is so bright..I may just take your suggestion and mess around with a few more lighting combinations

    Now the ramps..I would have used the actual ramps but I need that gap underneath..I have tryed geomerging on sandbox and this way isn't easy..I become proficient with the door method but this way is alot harder especially since trying to get the wall into the ground on that angle..Thats why I didn't use double walls because of the massive bump that would have been there..The "block huge" is actually a very good idea, but I have used all of them up.

    @ Titmar: Thanks for your feedback and this might be enough encouragement for me to enter the contest..I read about it, but I know the standards on this site are pretty high so I will have to lift my game a little...

    Would you be able to tell me the exact parts you thought needed a bit of a clean up? Also where did you nade jump out of? This is a legit jump so I will fix as I did free up a little budget last night
    #12 OzPatriot, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I did a little tweaking of your map this morning, and I was able to bring your budget up to around $150. I see you used the default items, and in the future I suggest that you don't. They are a pain in the ass to work with and they aren't necessary in terms of the OLN. The main thing you have to keep are your spawn/objective points, corresponding respawn areas and weapons. If you delete everything else (all of the scenery), you'll run out of money before you hit the OLN. I'll probably be able to get the budget up even more, because some of the default scenery has their runtime max set to their maximum, but I didn't have the time to adjust them. One more reason to not use the default items at all.

    Send me a FR if you want and I'll show you what I'm talking about. The adjustments I found will really help get this map in shape for the remake contest, which in my opinion you should definitely enter.
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    the spot that I have circled.

    At the top of the wood bridges, look up toward the wall, then turn 180 degrees around, throw a nade at the crack of the stones and nade jump up and backwards and it lands you right on top of the wall.

    But if you were able to clear up all that budget with Squid's help, this shouldnt be an issue at all.
  15. StormierZiggy

    StormierZiggy Ancient
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    Looks great, you got my download, hope it plays as good as it looks :)

    Obviously the things that have been mentioned already, the upper area, effects etc. would be good, but with budget youve done a grand job:)
  16. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    I sent the FR yesterday, just waiting for you to accept...I tried to figure out exactly what you mean't but couldn't unfortunately...I should have read a few posts on here before I started my map, because half way through I read a post saying I didn't have to use the default objects..I just don't know why Bungie made such a big deal about it..I would have made it in half the time if I didn't have to stare at the screen waiting for my objects to unspawn..

    But yeah your help would be very much appreciated, I just need you to show me what you mean and I can go from there because an extra $150 budget could let me make it exactly how I wanted to with ceilings over the bases and a few other things

    @Titmar, thanks for pointing that out, I actually tryed those corners myself before I released it but couldn't do it..I will just have to get that extra budget tip from Squidhands and all these niggly little things can be fixed...Its just whenever I do something I have to do it 4 times, so every little fix costs me $20
    #16 OzPatriot, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  17. KIeavage

    KIeavage Ancient
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    It's a good looking map, but I honestly never really liked remakes. Try to make something more original next time?
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    accepted. Sorry, I'm horrible about looking at my messages. :)
  19. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    All good and thanks again for your help...I got it up to am extra $156, so I know I have more than enough to block those nade jumps Titmar pointed out and put ceilings on my bases...With that sort of budget left I may be able to make the changes look nice too...
    #19 OzPatriot, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  20. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Oh Im sorry, I will be sure to consult you first next time I make a map..After seeing your map your actually in no position to criticize at all..

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