Sandbox Horror

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by RichIBuildJumps, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Infection ~ Horror


    Infection map based in The Crypt of Sandbox.
    Using several different lighting effects, The Crypt of Sandbox is near pitch black, but not completely. The Zombies have a poor camo, and the Humans have a pistol, everybody is forced into black colour. Zombies have radars, Humans do not, and Zombies run slightly (110%) faster. The Zombies spawn up top, in a closed off room leading to the entry to The Crypt (Which is blocked by 2 pallets just to slow them down, but doesn't cause any inconvenience). The map contains 8 magnums, set on a minute long respawn, most are near the Humans starting spawns, you may wish to learn these spawns, the magnum ammo runs out fast. Each corner of the map reflects the opposite corner. The map does not boast any incredible forgery, as most of it cannot be seen during gameplay. I aimed to produce a simple map layout, thatw as fun to play and contained no hiding spots, and I believe I succeeded. To survive, the Humans best tactic would be to hide in the corners, but to win (most kills) a Human must brave the light.


    Zombies -

    Damage Resistance - 200%
    Shield Multiplier - No shields

    Primary Weapon - Sword
    Player Speed - 110%
    Motion Tracker Mode - Normal Mode
    Motion Tracker Range - 25 Meters
    Active Camo - Poor Camo
    Forced Colour - Black (Alpha Zombies are 'Zombie' Colour)

    Humans -

    Primary Weapon - Magnum
    Grenade Count - None
    Motion Tracker Mode - Off
    Forced Colour - Black

    Last Man -

    Player Speed - 125%
    Waypoint - Visible to everyone
    Motion Track Mode - Off
    Forced Colour - Black

    (If a trait is not shown in the list above, it is set to unchanged / normal)

    Gametype -

    Screenshots -

    Zombie landing Zone - Effects on -


    Overview - Effects on -


    Overview - Effects off -


    Zombie Landing Zone - Effects off


    Side View of Map (Other side is the same but rotated 180 degrees) - Effects off -


    Zombie Spawn (Usually 2 pallets covering the entrance to the Crypt, I had to break one to get in to take screenshots) - Effects off -


    As you can see from the screenshots, the lighting creates quite an eerie effect. It is designed to scare the players, and I can tell you that from the testing, it definately does. The map is designed from 10 players (2 Alpha Zombies and 8 Humans) Although more players can be added, just make sure to bump up the Zombie starting count, or you'll get Humans spawning up top. The set rounds when downloading the map is currently 3, but this can easily be changed yourself (Options >> General Settings >> Number of Rounds).

    For those of you who missed it at the top !

    Gametype - : Halo 3 File Details

    Any criticism / compliments you give to me will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks !
    #1 RichIBuildJumps, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  2. KIeavage

    KIeavage Ancient
    Senior Member

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  3. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, at least you were polite about it.
    EDIT: Is this thread OK now?
    #3 RichIBuildJumps, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  4. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
    Senior Member

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    um im not sure why you put your pics as a spoiler and even when i do click it open i cant tell much because of the lighting effects and the size of the picture. try taking of the effects and reducing the size i can barely see anything. it looks creative atleast and im looking forward to seeing the full map. ima dl and check it out.
    #4 pablomeister, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  5. Laurent

    Laurent Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where are the screenshots?
  6. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment, effects off screenshots have been added :)

    In the main body of the thread..
  7. A Startld Lemur

    A Startld Lemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a great concept. Have you thought about putting light balls in the corners to give it a cool effect?
  8. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Maps like this I love. You get a certain time to set up for the inevitable attack, and all of a sudden the lights go out, and you and your party members are survivng for your lifes.

    There is not enough cover, yet a lot of cover at the same time that makes it equal for both sides of the game. It almost has a symmetrical feel to it, allowing the players to get comfortable in their surroundings so they can set up forts better. The zombies spawning on ground floor (normal Sandbox), allows for the Zombies not to be spawn killed and drop down the fun tube of doom.

  9. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    I like the idea of a dark crypt for Infection. To me it seems the zombies are a little overpowered with the faster running, camo and radar. In your test runs do you find that the zombies always have the edge here?
  10. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did have lights set to spawn at random, but due to the lighting effects put in place, they don't light the map up anymore without ruining the effect, and thanks for the comment ;)

    Thank you :)

    When I was testing, I found it all depends on the player, obviously the better human players survive longer. If the humans crouch, it is so dark that the zombies won't see the humans anyway :) A lot of the time the humans overpowered the zombies until they were all inevitably killed, I find it's a fair balance between humans and zombies. Thanks for the comment :)
  11. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    I'm not quite sure what you mean by the last sentence.

    To get sidetracked, I think the map is a little open, although, when playing, it feels just right. Maybe you could add a layer at the 2-and-a-half level, elevated off the ground near the landing area. That would give intense gameplay as a human spawning there during the time of zombies falling through. The platform with multiple entrances and no closed off wall would be slightly out of reach for the zombies to land on, although if the humans are standing close enough, the zombies could infect them.
  12. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
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    It's been done before. About 6 months+ ago. I'm sure you thought of it your self though. In what it is try to achieving I'm sure this map is perfect but it could be better in other ways. Possibly add more, powerful weapons? Make them near to the zombie drop zone as a risk-reward situation.
  13. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Forerunner

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    A bit plain, isnt it?
  14. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    This map gives a eerie feel good for infection but at the same time it's just overall very dull. I mean the radial symmetry is cool and all but in the end it seems the humans will just back themselves into a corner and just sit there.
  15. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    I recently created a map like this for a friend. What i do like is the approach you took for this map, but it didn't play well. What i find great for these horror type infection games is to create both a sense of fear that strikes human players and to make it balanced so you don't die instantly during the game. Sometimes it's best not to make a game insanely dark because if you can't see then it turns into how mercifull the zombie is, as opposed to survival. Maybe a V2, in my opinion.
  16. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I made this the day sandbox was released (on marketplace) so.. I don't think more power is needed, maybe a BR or a Carbine, but nothing to serious, as the humans are strong enough already. A human can easily get to the drop-zone and away before zombies get down anyways :(

    Yes, rather plain, but during gameplay it feels fine.

    That's the idea, the braver/stronger individual players will branch forwards, hiding in a corner gets your nowhere with this map, as the zombies will get you, and you don't get many kills due to the range of the pistol.

    I disagree, btu it's probably bias from it being my own map, when i was testing this, I loved how scary it was, and so did my tester-friends, it scares the crap outta you when suddenly a zombie appears in front of you :) but I guess that's just opinion. Also, the humans don't die straight away, i often find its the other way round, the zombies aren't very strong in this game, regardless of their camo and radar..
    Any more comments please :)

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