Phreakie is not editing this episode, AmercanPsycho is. Then, I'll be recording and editing episode three. We take turns every episode.
I know but since phreakie is the OP I just talked to him. i know how the system works after hearing yall ***** last night.
Me, Phreakie, and AmercanPsycho are all in charge of this series. No one of us are better than an other or at a higher position than an other.
Gamertag: HLG FlashPoint Mic: Yes Any Ideas: HLG Fail! Hide in a random spot and see if anyone can find you lawl has to be in a simple place though. Happy Days: Engage the enemy teabagging without shooting.
Gamertag: skater770 Mic: of course Ideas: Sing rick roll with people taking turns singing a line of the song in order in the pregame lobby.. (or any other songs) Talk Trash to people on other team in British? Sing Canada's national anthem
I actually really like this idea! Oh Caaaannnaaddaaaa!...... That's all I really know thus far, I'll get the whole thing for everyone coming to the next one.
Seriously, I don't see why you think that this series has to be done so quickly. Odds are is that if we don't release our episodes bi-weekly we will eventually run out of ideas for episodes, get tired of doing episodes in general, the quality of the videos will decrease, and I'm sure I can come up with a couple of other ideas of why having our series as a bi-weekly thing is a good idea. I also think that our series can also get more attention, but if we release an episode a week it is going to be something that people are probably aren't going to be able to keep up with. Let him take his time with the video, I'm sure it will turn out great.
Ed likes shenanigans! But no mic Ed mic broke when fat cat jumped on it! GT: NinjaBunny56 you can also add Ed's friend VashTrigunX he likes mongoose mowdowns! Bye-Bye!
I won't be on my xbox until sometime next week. My fdad has delayed his trip,so I am still at my aunt's house.
this is some funny ****, brings back the old broke back pirate memories... oh the old days, you should see some of those videos, but this is quite funny.
Ok, maybe tomorrow. I to write an essay, finish a powerpoint, practice a presentation, do math homework and more. I'll get it done. Dun wury guiz.
just asking but did you keep the original idea of background music? It did not take away from the video at all. You just had to find the point or volume of the music that isnt too loud or unhearable.
I haven't added music yet. I'm installing iTunes tomorrow afternoon so I have a wide selection of songs to choose from. There will be background music, I just haven't added it yet. Also, this is a long episode as far as I can see.