Walls by Cake: CLOSED ATTENTION: Walls by cake was a failed experiment. Sorry, but it's officially CLOSED.
Is there anyway you can render them at a higher resolution? I have a 1680x1050 and would like to know if that can work..
As long as I'm given an image that is similar resolution (if you give me an image), I'll make it work.
^_^ Stock/Render: Put this on this in a funky way - add some colour flare with brushes? Screen Dimensions: 1440x900 Style: Simple picture edit / general photoshop Color Scheme: Romantic, like the background of this Text: We all find someone... If you can think of anything better than 'We all find someone..' then let me know, as it's kinda lame. Thanks ^^
stock:bandlogo4copy.png picture by The_Predator720 - Photobucket dimesions: i dont know but its 1080p and widescreen style: punk color scheme: black and white p.s. this is my band logo designed by me so it would be nice to have a background for my computer representing my band