Do I even need to explain this? EPIC spawn killing Perfectly symmetrical does NOT work. That's basically it, but I'm a guy who likes SWAT and I hated to play this. Thoughts?
I suck at swat, but on Tundra, I get 30-35 kills every game. It's easy. Just hold your analog stick in the any direction while you spawn. Usually takes care of it. And this is a small map. If your good enough you can spin around and kill the people.
That's the problem, SWAT is supposed to be tactical, about getting cover and such. There is a problem if you can get 35 kills in a game. That means that the spawn system is seriously messed up. Oh I forgot to say that. I've spawned in gunfire several times.
What I was trying to say is that I DON"T get spawn killed. I know what you mean on the cover bit though. =S Assemembly though, great SWAT map.
I personally do not like do not like swat that much. But it is fun once and a while. But i really do not like Tundra because you either spawn rape the other team or you get spawn raped and i think that is not how swat is suppose to be like.
Pretty much explains it, Tundra isn't about this though Tundra is a map with Spawn killing, terrible spawns and a huge height advantage (the hills)
Yeah I don't really like swat in the mythic playlist. I think it they should wait to put swat mythic maps in playlists until the "team mythic" is gone for good. Tundra is probably the worst swat map I've ever played. It's really good for spawn killing and getting multi kills. The design of the map is really good, but the gameplay isn't. I would like to see Tundra in team slayer and maybe CTF games. I think it would have a better chance at it instead of Swat.
I don't really mind it, it's not bad, but the one problem? The little glitch. There's a small hole within the flooring where you can fall through, and just camp. That's what you get for not double checking I guess Bungie. I almost got a perfection with this method lol. The spawns, I will agree should be fixe, as spawn killing is something you'll have to get used to.
I completlely hate Tundra. SWAT is my favorite playlist and Tundra tends to rip it apart. and just wondering Nightmares, what skill level are you? Because if you're like a 10 in SWAT its a whole different story because then anyone can spawn kill
not to be cocky, but i know SWAT well, and tundra sucks! im beast at it and im still complaining!?! swat should be played on SWArbital (swat for orbital), last resort SWAT, and high ground SWAT, those are real SWAT playlists!
Tundra is just down right horrible. Im decent at swat going positive 90% of the time but on Tundra it seems all I do is get spawn killed.