I took this while in a game. I died, and my body flew over toward this area on marrows, and it looks like someone's hand is coming out of the ground. I thought it was cool and I wanted to test haloscreenshots.net to see if my screenie's would upload correctly. (this is my first post so please give constructive ideas pleas, Thanks guy's.
If the hand had no thumb then it would be like the cover of Left 4 Dead I'll give it a 4/5, just because i dont like the actual screenshot, just the idea
It does look like Left4Dead. The pic wouldn't have been so hard to take though, I bet someone could get a pic where it gives the illusion the spartan has no thumb and get the green background like in the cover. If they were REEEALLLY good, they might even be able to make the title out of weapons. I sure as hell am not.
what would be reeaaaaally cool was if you know how your character becomes all tister when they hit something or fall down hard after dying so they beomed dismembered, or look funny, well someone should to a pic of an arm comming off upon impact and call it 'dead space'!
Sweet pic. Unlike the other people who have posted I have not seen pictures like this and I think it is cool.