- This is my first map - Please tell me what you think. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details A large vehicular based map designed for bomb and flag variants. A symetrical map with a vehicle based map area with an underground base for the neutral bomb etc. Made by Inferno Tom and roxas3665.
the first two people did not clearly state how you have to embed screen shots into a map so I will. Once you have taken your pictures in theater and saved them to your profile go to Haloscreenshots.com and type in your gamertag in the search space. Warning, since it will probably be your first time it will take a couple of minutes. Please be patient. Next, oncce the screen loades, find your pictures and copy the link of each pic that has the forgehub in parentisis. Paste them into your post and you have pictures. If you need a better through that contains pictures and explains it better pleasse click in my signature below the picture to get a better walkthrough. also, you need to include a better description. You should tell about the layourt of your map and if you want to make your post nice you could also give a weapon list. You have 24 hours to fix this before a moderator will be forced to lock this thread. No one else coment on the lack of pictures or he/she will be infracted.
thread locked. take the advice exploretheGore gave you. Read the rules and stickies in the forums, and when you feel you are ready to properly post a map, you can try again.