You're probably going to have to try a few of those scenarios. I have no idea why your fourth player would spawn on top like that, it doesn't seem correct. You can try a couple of things: delete the spawn point in question, replace it and see if that fixes it. Spawns are weird, and it's a weird enough solution to possibly work. If it doesn't work, remove it all together or try moving it to a different spot on top that's further away from the starting point. From the pic it looks like the top spawn is actually closer than the ones on the side. Maybe. If those don't work and your other ideas don't pan out either, cheat and use more starting spawns. I don't know if you have plans for an ATLAS submission, but if not it really doesn't matter. MLG uses 4 starting spawns per team, so at least you'd be in good company.
in your description you said "waiting forever for the object respawn timers so that I can merge objects together" there is a way to spawn objects instantly. Its called force spawning. When you press x on an object it brings up a menu, if you press x again to get to the summary, you can change the RUN TIME MINIMUM to the most you have on your map, making the object spawn no matter what. Unless its a weapon and youre holding it.
I'm quite sure he's aware of this. The fact is (and you might not be aware of this) that all of the default scenery is buggy and will not spawn when you set the runtime to "no" at start. Try it, you'll hate it.
Thanks Squid. I'll try that. I was hoping someone could spot something right off the bat that my nub forge skills missed but I guess that may not be the case. Yes, even with the forced spawns for the default objects they don't appear right away. The best course I found with merging the default objects is that they typically spawn at least 60seconds after the round start at the earliest. No matter how long you set the respawn timer to, they have a mind and timer of their own. There was one time where I had to wait at least 5minutes or so for the default object to re-appear.
Updated the OP a little for cleanup and added a couple of action shots of the map: Action Shots: If anybody has any new feedback about the map, please let me know as I am working on a 3rd revision which hopefully addresses the read team CTF initial spawn issue.