Is there any way to stop the fact that when you pick up an object it moves? Because I've barely gotten started with Forge and already I'm, hating the fact that when I pick something up, it moves. So if there is any way to stop this, please let me know!
I can't see how you could pick something up without physically moving it... And basically, no. You can't grab something without moving it, if that's what you meant - unless if you are really really close to it, and it's a not too big object. ... If that's what you meant.
What I talking about is... If you've got a floating object that all you need to do is move up, the second I push A, this object centers on my cursor. I don't want it doing this. It just want it to stay where it is. Understand now?
i understand what you are staying. The solution is to always grab the object in the center. that way it is always centered. If that doesn't work then grab the blue teardrop on the object. Hope that helps. MT