Download here! Hey, I just joined here to post my newest map I made. The map is called Detriment and has primarily a Midship and Ivory Tower influence, although it doesn't play much like either. This map should be best for 4v4 games and has many different areas where battles should be concentrated in: Dumpster area (contains overshield spawn, above is the 2nd Floor main room) [img width=800 height=450][/img] And if you are in the 2nd floor main room, you can drop down or attack from above... [img width=800 height=450][/img] The 2nd floor has an alley which leads to the main room, the walls are broken in order for players to attack others coming up, etc. [img width=800 height=450][/img] (1st floor perspective) [img width=800 height=450][/img] Easiest place to go to when a game starts, although probably not the smartest, is the shotgun spawn [img width=800 height=450][/img] ...and on the dumpsterrr [img width=800 height=450][/img] Base B overview [img width=800 height=450][/img] My screenshots are giving me a hard time and some didn't end up on, I'll try adding them up later... Anyway, if you guys have a chance to play, give me some suggestions on what to tweak, add, etc., thanks! I'm thinking about adding a bit more 'obstacles' in the more empty areas to make games a bit more strategic and whatnot, so keep in mind I'm planning/willing to change things.
Interesting concept. Get more pics though, i dont see enough of the map for me to want to DL it. Looks good though.
I agree, looks good with the pics you have. Hopefully bungie will stop failing so you can use the rest of the pics.
Thanks guys, I just edited my posts with some more pictures, I took more but screenshots are stilling being stupid :/
I gotta agree, get some more pics cuz I just can't tell what the inside of this map is all about. The outside looks cool tho. Also you should definately add more of a description. Everyone here at Forgehub is all about details, details, and more details when it comes to posting maps. GJ tho.. looking forward to see'n what this map is really about. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
From the screenshots u got i think that map looks preety good few open areas few closed off areas. i like the concept of the map but it just seems like you could kill them as they spawn because its such a close up map. I'll d/l and get back to you if i have anything else i'd like to state. EDIT: alright lets see this map seems alot smaller, and that has not been shown properly in the screens and yes the bases are a bit to wide open might add in a open box or something jsut to fill up some space and stop pawn camping and the area's just seem generally to open its a good idea but just fix a few things and it could become a great map.
PLZ post more pics the only thing i can tell from your current pics is it's well constructed but i don't know what the gameplay would be like