EDIT: Added more pictures! GIZA For Slayer & CTF - Gamertag: nal1200 Traverse the sands of ancient Egypt as you fight amongst the Great Pyramid of Giza Optimal for 4v4 Slayer, 5v5 Slayer, 4v4 CTF, and 8v8 CTF Astounding aesthetic qualities from the ruins in the plaza to the crumbling tomb at the bottom of the pyramid Multiple vehicle capacity supporting: Warthogs, Ghosts, Mongooses, and Choppers Equipped with two team bases, which lie on opposite sides of The Great Pyramid For more information, message "nal1200" on XBL For download information: Bungie.net : DOWNLOAD Screenshots: Front View Back Alley View Plaza View Inside The Tomb Outside of a Base Inside of a Base, looking out The Entrance to The Great Pyramid The Bottom of the tomb View of the Pyramid through the arches Aerial view from the back
screenshots arent workin man go to Halo Screen Shots and type in your GT there and your screenshots will show up. click the pic once then twice and it should go to a full screen sorta thing. copy it from there.
Yup screens are working and it looks like a pretty cool map. I like the use of the stone platform and the two ramps. The two bases on the side act as team bases i presume? Anyway looks pretty sweet. You've got another download, and keep up the great forging! Edit: Ummmm... the download link doesn't work... might want to fix that.
Bump. If any of you would like to get a group together to play on the map, i'm currently on XBL and can start a game soon!