Sandbox Grindstone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paragon Fury, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    This is Grindstone, a Sandbox Crypt update of my Foundry map Grinder. Te idea behind this map was to try and satisfy some of those symmetrical map needs in Halo 3. Built for teams of 4 to 6, the map plays nicely with Mutli-Flag, Flag Rally, King of the Hill and VIP. The map includes a fair balance of weapons and equipment, but not enough to feel like overkill. It even includes 2 Mongooses (geese?) for fun!

    I've found it works best with AR/M6G starts. However, if the BR is your thing, there are more then enough BRs and Carbiens to go around, so you shouldn't feel shafted.

    Weapons and Equipment List:
    Battle Rifle x 8
    Carbine x 2
    Assault Rifle x 2
    M6G x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 3
    Plasma Rifle x 4
    Spiker x 4
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Mauler x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Sword x 1
    Brute Shot x 2
    Needler x 1
    Frag Grenades x 4
    Plasma Grenades x 6

    Bubble Shield x2
    Power Dain x 1
    Grav Lift x 1
    Overshield x 1

    Mongoose x 2

    The Pictures:

    Midde From Backside

    Frontside of Map

    Backside of Map

    Red Base (Blue Base is the same except for the Lightbulb)

    The Download Link:
    Grindstone Download

    Note: Download Link leads tothe Community Files Section of Bungie, not my Fileshare. The rules link doesn't reflect the fact that there is no longer any way to offically post maps on
    #1 Paragon Fury, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  2. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Ya, so... well I downloaded it and played a round on it and it was ok. Only problem was the turrets. to dang annoying =). And next time, make sure that you don't use another map's name please, because grindstone was already used.
  3. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    I think it'd be hard to find a name that hasn't been used yet. Though I suppose I could pull the ol'thesaurus out......

    I was hestitant about the Turrets (Grinder on Foundry had 4, not 2. But then again Foundry has a much different layout then the Crypt) but I wanted to keep them in in some way, I figured putting two in the back where the Rockets spawn would be better then putting them up frnt where there is too much cover for them to be useful.
    #3 Paragon Fury, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Indeed thousands upon thousands of options for names have already been used, but you're going to get a bit of **** from people using this name, it was a huge map here on Forge Hub.
  5. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh. I did not know that. If/when I make the V2 of this map, I will make sure to change the name.
    #5 Paragon Fury, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  6. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    This looks interesting, to say the least. I really like the upside-down large wedges. They just fit.

    This is going to make me sound like an annoying idiot but in version two you should probably interlock more. Because this map is 'cubey' (all 90 degree angles), it wouldn't take that long and would make a big difference.

    I'll download and give feedback.

    PS: Our posts are so similar. Mongoose or mongeese? lol
  7. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did think of a few areas where interlocking could be used, but there weren't alot. I tend to judge where interlocking is needed by functionality, not aethestics. Which I know does lose me some points with my maps.
  8. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My apologizes, but I made a mistake with the map download link.

    This is the correct link.

    The old link lead to old version of the map that had not had the spawn issues fixed and a couple of parts smoothed out. Both the above link and the link in the original post now lead to the correct file.

    My apologizes to anyone who already downloaded the map.
  9. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did a quick forge-through and it looks solid gameplay-wise.
    My main issue is that some parts of the map look sloppy. Interlocking, while certainly nice to look at, wouldn't really make that much of a difference. I see that now having played the map. But one of your walls on the top in front of the base (see 'Middle from Backside' pic) is noticeably slanted. It looks a little sloppy.
    On the plus side, I really like the structure in the 'Backside of Map' pic. More like that please!

    Beacuse I haven't played a game yet, I would give you 3/5 for your forging overall. Well done.
  10. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know which wall you're talking about. I spent about 45 minutes trying to get that one wall and pillars next to it be perfectly flat, or at least less slanted, but it just wouldn't hold. I finally said "screw it", because even though it isn't pretty there isn't anyway to get up there and it can't affect gameplay.

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