Sandbox Fleet

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PwnsauceAddict, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Hello everyone this is my first map posted on this forums so please bare with me.

    This map is two ships that are battling in the middle of space. Each ship is completley symmetrical. This map is best played with assault. The point of the game is to take the bomb and put it in the enemies ship and blow it up. In each ship there are two hornets in which you can take to the other ship. There are multiple items inside each ship so you can defend it if need be so.

    Front of blue ship

    Hangar of blue ship

    Back of blue ship

    Distance between the two ships in space

    Inside the cockpit of blue ship

    If you walk through the blue column you end up were the splazer is

    This is were the splazer is and if you walk into the wall of the closest block then you get teleported to the middle of the cockpit

    The inside of the ship

    A hiding spot and were the brute grenade and trip mine are

    The "engine room" were you plant the bomb at the back of the ship

    In the engine room

    View of the top of ship

    quick view of red ship

    Download here
    #1 PwnsauceAddict, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  2. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Well i like the idea of the space battle alot, but the middle seems a bit empty maybe add like a battlefield in the middle with debris everywhere? And the ships look interesting thats for sure. For a first post, i have to say i am impressed
  3. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
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    this map looks really fun and i really like how its setup so that both teams can plant it. usually maps like this are only setup for one bomb. nice job! the only thing is i think the ships are a little empty, but that might just be me ima dl and check it out. 8/10 right now.
    #3 pablomeister, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009

    A27 STARWOLF Ancient
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    nice, today I will be posting a map like this but with a space station in the middle... get pumped every body!
  5. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    The middle is empty because i dont have any room at all left on the map. I had to delete some stuff in order to even put spawn points because i "could not creat object. To many items on map".

    The ships are a little bit empty due to the problem above and the fact i only have 2$ left. :(
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    lemmie guess, It's right on the grid? so if your hornet falls just a little bit it dies? the sky bubble is there for experienced forgers.. it takes skill to make a good floating map.. like all of the others on other maps without grids. They had to work hard to float everything. you just used the shortcut bungie gave you and abused it.. Have you even tested it?

    starwolf- take this into consideration on YOUR map.. Good day.
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Ya your right it only took me 4 minutes to make this map. when i saw that bungie had a sky bubble i thought hey why not just throw stuff on it and call it a ship! I was pleased with what ended up and put 2 hornets near the base but then i thought maybe i should put them in the ship! But i am so mad bungie made the sky bubble to make life easier because real forgers waste there time floating something when you dont need to. Well be waiting for my next map, i think ill put a ghost on a double box!
  8. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Oh i see well then since you used all of your stuff i have to say thats pretty good job you did, and when you are on blue team some times the things dont spawn at the begging try to fix that.
  9. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    I would say make the ships look like real ships. As of now they look like mini bases in the sky. Other than that the map is pretty cool. 3.5/5
  10. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To banana, thanks for pointing it out i fixed it and added a new link.
    To Manoukian, I tried to make them as much as possible like ships, but still have room inside plus i had a problem with budget and too many items

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