Sandbox New Giza

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Altair4PM, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    New Giza


    New Giza is a map based around a large central pyramid which changes depending on whether the gametype is symetrical or asymetric.
    The recommended amount of players is 6-12.
    It supports all team gametypes except for vip destination (who plays that anyway?)

    The great Egyptian pharoah Blameses the Seventh was buried here after his untimely death, impaled on purple spikes. Five thousand years later, his tomb has been taken over by the UNSC as a military base. The treasure of Blameses still waits to be discovered, if one only seizes the opportunity.

    In the centre of the map is a large pyramid, which is the centre of all the gameplay.


    There are multiple routes to the top, and many levels inside, allowing for multi-tiered combat.


    You can reach the top around the side of the second floor


    Another way up is by using the grav lifts on the side of the pyramid.


    Finally, mancannons can provide quick reinforcements in objective games


    The platform at the top is often an ideal location for peppering those below you, until a banshee rams you (leading to shouts of 'how did he hit me, i was INSIDE!!!) A grav lift will launch you to the very top of the pyramid.


    There are also two bases on the map in symetrical games, one in asymetric games.



    This is where the majority of the spawning takes place. Other than this, the map is alomost bare, with only a few pieces of cover (which also act as territories).

    Weapons, Vehicles and Equipment
    Please Note: This next section refers to symetrical games
    There are two Brs at each base and two more on the first floor of the pyramid.
    There are two Needlers in some of the cover around the map.
    There are two Plasma Pistols on the first level of the pyramid.
    There are two SMGs and Spikers on either side of the shield doors (near crypt entrance).

    Power Weapons
    Missile pods are present at each base to quell the threat of vehicles.


    A Splaser spawns after the round has started at the very top of the base (to prevent someone grabbing the laser then being safe in the banshee).


    The Secret Tresure
    If you drop down into the crypt, you can grab a Gravity Hammer before being teleported to the top. This only spawns once as it is quite powerful (especially in KOTH). After 3 minutes the entrance is sealed.


    After a further 2 minutes a beam rifle spawns on top of the sealed entrance (it actually spaws after 2.5 minutes but it falls down into the crypt).


    There is a bubble shield and a regenerator on the first level of the pyramid.
    There are trip-mines in the cover opposite the needlers (useful for preventing chopper splatters in territories, OH YES, they can fit through there!)

    There is a power-drain at the top level inside the pyramid.
    Finally, there is an Camo and an Overshield on the second level, on the approach to the top level (visible in a previous screenshot).

    There are two mongeese (?) and a chopper at both bases.
    There is a banshee on top of the pyramid.

    Changes for Asymetric Gametypes:
    The entire red (defenders) base, DISAPPEARS.

    The blue base gets some extra cover to help them assault the pyramid, as well as some blocks to help them get to the second floor quicker (see 'Layout' picture)

    The objective is always on the top floor (instead of the power drain)

    The banshee is moved to the back of the base and doesn't spawn straght away (to give both teams a chance of nabbing it).


    After 2.5 minutes, a gauss warthog spawns at the attackers' base to assist in flag captures.


    Extra equipment is given to the attackers (behind the scaffolding)

    The Overshield and Camo are removed.

    Most rounds are too short to allow the beam rifle to spawn.

    Extra Pics


    ^Shield doors block shooting lines between bases and give cover to those on the ground floor^


    ^I was confident that the reds were attackers, which led to a massive colour-coding problem. All fixed now!^

    Final Thoughts
    This is my first competetive map, but I have used interlocking and geo-merging where appropriate (and where I could be bothered)
    My aim was to utilise the capabilities of sandbox to create a large pyramid which could feature as part of a playable map, not just be aesthetic.
    Unfortuately, some aspects of gameplay, especially the movement between floors, have been sacrificed in order to preserve the pyramid.
    I am aware that there may be spawining issues (remember, ONLY TEAM GAMES) so if anybody finds any, or anything else that needs tweaking, post it and I'll make a version 2.
    This has not been properly tested, so if anyone could tell me how a 4 vs 4 match plays I would be very thankful.
    Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated.


  2. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    I really like the idea of a pyramid and ive been waiting for a map like this
    Only a few things though. I couldnt really tell but from the pictures but i hate shield doors. they lead to horable camping. And to make it look a little nicer merge the man cannons into the bricks. Not bad though 3.5/5
  3. kangarobeatboxr

    kangarobeatboxr Ancient
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    you seemed to think of a lot of things. it looks really cool. Im currently making a map like this. you should place some traps in the pyramid. 4/5
  4. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    Thankyou for the mancannon comment.
    Without shield doors the bottom floor was too hard to enter and you could br the other team right from the start. With solid geometry the bottom floor is too cramped. I had no option but to use shield doors.
    This is intended as a competetive map so traps wouldn't really fit. If you're making a pyramid map pm me when its finished, i'll check it out.
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    this looks ok, although it seems kind of open. The first picture looks cool though. Good job.
  6. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    I like the idea with tthe gravity hammer and the use of the crypt entrance. The pyramid itself looks very nice, but i would say take the shield doors and merge them into the bottom floor pyramid entrance instead of having them just sitting on the ground. Other than that, awesome map. 4/5
  7. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You probably can't see from the screens, but the shield doors are merged into some columns, so they aren't 'just sitting there', but I admit they could look better. They were leftovers from a previous idea that I decided I still needed, so I will make them nicer next time.
    In symetrical games, it is open, but I wanted the focus to be the pyramid. Also, the falg carrier has a much tougher job this way, and so would be inclined to take a vehicle. If vehicles had no room to manouver, the flag carrier would ALWAYS take the mancannons.

    For those interested in seeing a V2, I regret to inform you that I will not make one, for the following reasons:
    - The map is too open and there is not enough budget to fix this appropriately
    - The pyramid is as large as it can be but is still cramped, therefore I feel it is not possible to promote an enjoyable gaming experience within this confined area

    I apologise to anyone who wanted to see this project taken further, but I'd prefer to concentrate on other projects. Thankyou for all the feedback.
    #7 Altair4PM, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009

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