Moebius (revamped) A symmetrical map in the sky bubble on sandbox, Moebius is best for small team CTF and neutral assault. (only neutral ) SCREENSHOTS Spoiler BLUE BASE RED BASE OVERVIEW (blue side) CENTRAL STRUCTURE This map features: 2 swords 2 shotguns 2 smgs 4 spikers 2 brute shots 2 needlers 1 beam rifle 1 flamethrower 8 spike grenades 2 deployable covers 2 machine gun turrets 4 plasma rifles 2 carbines This is still sort of a work in progress (straighetning objects, etc...), but this is more or less how it should be. COMMANTZZ PLS! (Seriously though, I'm a forge noob in need of feedback.) DOWNLOAD LINK : Halo 3 File Details
I like the looks of this. You're one of the few people I've seen that didn't make a single path from base to base. The design is simple yet very well executed. I like how you have a lot of different choices as to where to go when you are anywhere on the map. That gives the map a high re-playability value. I'll definitely give this a DL. Good map. EDIT* I cannot download seeing as there is no download link. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
Shouldn't you post a link to the map? Unless if I skipped it, of course, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't find one... Heck, this map looks awesome, I'm giving it a D/L.
Actually, I didn't place any BRs. Only carbines. (once again, it's not finished) Ok, I fixed it, there's a link now. There wasn't one before because, for a third time, the map isn't finished yet.
Why would you post it if its not done? We can't really say if a map is good or not until it is fully functional.......
Well, that makes a little more sense, but if I were you, I would go in, make take everything as far as you can, make everything you want (CTF, Assault, etc.) playable on it, then try. That way we could truly see what could improved. But for now, I'd say there needs to be more cover all around. Right now, this is the kind of map Snipers dream of every single night. Long narrow pathways with no cover...a shooting gallery.
It reminds me of the Longest. Looks good. I would like to know the influence for the map name. If you don't mind.
I'[m looking at the map and it doesn't seem like you should have hit the object limit yet.....what was the name of the map you started from? Was it default Sandbox or one of the Stacked variants?
From above, it looks like the symbol for infinity, aka the moebius (or mobius... idk lol) I started with Sandbox Canvas.
That would be your issue. Do not use balnk versions of Sandbox. Bungie made it so that the objects that are part of the default Sandbox layout always count against the object limit even if you delete them. That means if you are using a blank version of Sandbox, you are shorting yourself 120+ objects you could normally be using (spawns etc. are included in the limit.) A couple of Bungie Moderators and Employees took the time to make "Stacked" versions of Sandbox for each level of the map, where all the default objects/spawns/objective markers are stacked off to the side of the map so that you can pick them up and use them in your map, and then once you have no use for the remaining objects you can delete them then. The Stacked versions are here: Sandbox Ground Floor Stacked Stacked Version of the Skybox Stacked Version of the Crypt
Seriously, NO. It took hours to get right. I have everything it needs to be playable, but not everything it needs to be awesome.