Foundry Insanity! V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arbacca, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Arbacca

    Supported Gametypes:
    Two-team Capture the Flag
    Two-team Slayer
    One Bomb
    Map Description
    A giant wall divides two bases, inspired by Valhalla's own. The map is cheat-proof, since the only area I blocked off was the back hallway. Although there are many vehicles, multiple power weapons ensure that they are not overpowering.
    There is a tunnel where players on foot can cross, but a shield door prevents the entrance of vehicles. It is still faster, however, to take a vehicle the long way around. The man cannons that reside on each base launch players beneath the far structures coming off the main wall. Each base has plenty of ammo for players, along with a warthog and a mongoose.
    Within each base is also a Sender Node, taking players to the far center bridge of the map, where the Spartan Laser is located.
    For an advantage during gameplay, it would be smart to stay off the ground floor, unless you are in a vehicle.

    Forging 101
    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Frag Grenade - x12
    Plasma Grenade - x12
    Spike Grenade - x12
    Bubble Shield - x2
    Trip Mine - x2
    Deployable Cover - x2
    Power Drain - x1
    Active Camo - x2
    Battle Rifle - x10
    Sniper Rifle - x2
    Plasma Pistol - x2
    Needler - x2
    Brute Shot - x2
    Rocket Launcher - x2
    Spartan Laser - x1
    Covenant Carbine - x4
    Machine Gun Turret - x2

    Warthog - x2
    Mongoose - x4
    Ghost -x2

    Improvements from Beta:
    -Easier to get onto the catwalk
    -Longer respawn times for Rockets, Snipers, and Brute Shots.

    Also, anyone who has any suggestions and would like to test this for an even better V2, please list your Gamertag. Testing on April 11th, 3:00 PM
    Testers so far listed here:
    1-chung_wii / chung wii
    2-MXG Frost / Burnin BR
    3-Gunnergrunt / GunnerGrunt


    Yellow Base (Flag located behind Sign)

    Red Base (Flag located behind Sign)

    Inside Yellow Base (Teleporter to Spartan Laser)

    Inside Red Base (Teleporter to Spartan Laser)

    Yellow Side view from Man Cannon

    Red Side view from Man Cannon

    Yellow Side view from corner (Please Note: There is now a step behind the closest sign allowing access to the structure)

    Red Side view from corner (Please Note: There is now a step behind the closest sign allowing access to the structure)

    Power Drain location, tunnel for people who don't have a vehicle but also don't want to walk all the way around, open single box is so slightly merged with the floor just so there are no bumps

    Receiver Node to Spartan Laser

    Download Insanity!
    #1 Arbacca, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh hey you got it posted! this map rocks man! (i was invited to preview the map and get some tests in before it was release). CTF was perfect on this map, just perfect. I thought that the vehicle gameplay was outstanding for a foundry map, thats hard to pull off. I absolutely loved the mancannons. They really brought you map to life. This map has a great layout and some sounds gameplay but i have a few suggestions if you ever decide to make a v2.

    -There could be a few more ways to get off ground level. That window step you were working on for example. ( i can't tell if you added one or not)
    -A few of the spike grenades could be removed. There were lots of "special nades" on the map.
    -It would be a good idea to make the middle (area above the sniper spawn) higher. It was too easy to grenade jump up to a spot of domination.
    -And lastly, adjust a few of the spawn points. I spawn awfully close to walls and barriers. I good rule to follow is to allow a three second free space in front of each spawn point.

    This map was pretty impressive and well posted (although it could use a few pictures of the rear end corners perhaps). I look forward to a v2 and a few more games of CTF with you. Oh and maybe you could add me to your testers list? Fantastic map, man, just fantastic.

    EDIT: great, count me in for the next test date!
    #2 Gunnergrunt, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  3. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions.
    I went back and watched a video of our game, and remembered how laggy that was. Also, somehow, someone got splattered of their mongoose by a ghost while driving. Pretty messed up...
    I will fix the spawns after everyone tests this map once more on Saturday, along with raising the wall.
    I did add those window panels, though they aren't pictured, and we didn't play a game with them on.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Is it just me or is this Avalanche de-ja-vu? Anyways, great map. Interlocking is more than par, geo-merging is up to date, and the layout is more than fine. I think you went a little overkill on the power weapons, especially the turrets. Ill probably end up Dling the map and getting back to you on how it plays, but until then, great job.
  5. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heheh... NO!....
    Jk, it's actually sort of a Avalanche meets Valhalla meets Foundry.
    During gameplay, I didn't find the turrets being used to an extreme, and when they are used, they have a limited view due to all the structures.
    And about the overkill thing, I like overkilling. Look at my other work in my signature and you'll see what I mean haha.
  6. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like the bases you made and it looks a cool map. But it does remind me of avalanche. The shape of the bases remind me of the bases of blood gulch. It reminds of a map I made a while back. I sort of had what you have here but the center structure was somewhere you could get up to and get a few weapons.I don't really like the spartan laser perch with the receiver node because people can camp there behind the teleporter and laser the vehicles. But overall I would give you a 4/5

    Unlucky on the test video send me a message when the test video is fixed I would love to see it
    #6 physcopirahna6, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  7. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it.I agree with Gunner.Some parts f the maps are a little overpowering.The bases need some work but I tink the map is very well done in average.Also take off a mongoose or two_Overall it is awsome.
  8. StormierZiggy

    StormierZiggy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Solid map, will DL later when I finish studying (stupid exams XD)
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude you have way to many grenades on this map. First of all, you are only supposed to have spike, or plasma, not both. Also, The map is extremely overpowered. I bet I could go an entire game without using a Br or an AR. You really need to work on these things. But the map geometry is great except i think there should be more places to get to the upper levels, as well as more to the upper levels. Also, maybe you could geomerge the open single box in the wall and add shield doors to the top space where the gap is (for aesthetics).
  10. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha yeah I agree with you on the grenade part, but you do use a BR quite often. Play a game on it, and you will know it is quite a bit less overpowered than you think... vehicles reign as supreme as the weapons, if not a bit more.
    And I'm not sure which open single box you speak of, but all 5 of them are geomerged. The one in the center of the wall is only merged so slightly to prevent any bumps or grenade trappings. Also, if you could clear up on that thing about shield door ascetics, because I'm not too sure what you mean...

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