The answer, as Tex said, will never be discovered. I dont care if there are main people that are believed that discoved it because there are so many people out there who have forge just like we do. They could have figured it out the first five minutes halo3 came out. We will never know...
Maybe, the question should be changed to "What is the first documented evidence of Interlocking on Forgehub? That would make much more sense. And not to mention easier to find out. It can be a map, a screenshot, video, maybe someone just explaining how to do it. Edit: Hope you guys enjoy your research. Oh and Whisper, love your Wiki edit. Maybe, someone can create a page on Titmar, or some other guy on the site.
You mean on uncyclopedia? The first evar interlocking is from the hackers called bungie. Look at Foundry. I noticed obviously that when foundry first came out, all of the objects were able to float. That should be enough to determine that you interlock them. my only problem way back when was how would you do it. Nearly everything we know about forging is because alot of simple logic. no one will ever know who was the first because there are many people who have discovered it.
This is what i want to know. What was the first map on forgehub to use interlocking? and my bad about the title yea it should be who discovered it
As far as I can remember, it was Voodoo that brought it to FH's attention. He's got a Foundation map from back in January of last year. Earliest one I know of off hand. yay Voodoo.
It was bungie, as you may not notice, the defualt map had a little bit of a wall interlocked with double boxzorz. right under the crane.
Jesus-****ing-Christ-in-a-goddamn-wheelchair, read the last few posts before responding. How self-absorbed are you? *facepalm*
whoa calm down there lol, but ya read the posts before posting. I clicked the link to voodoo's map and no one mentioned anything about interlocking, like, "How did you do that" or "Is that glitched." Idk but ya Bungie was the first to interlock with their crazy forging technology.
I believe it was voodoo's Sniper Pit that introduced interlocking to the general populace. Back in December of 2007. Recognise that picture? It's from Sniper Pit.
yeah isnt it that one corner? on top of the double box next to the rockets spawn? i just found that...