INDIANA INC v1 Taking Capture The Flag to a New Dimension Hey everyone, Ziggy here, relatively new to this joint, but so far it looks good, and I’ve decided to share a map myself and a friend have spent a good 20-30 hours on recently, and am looking for feedback J The map, Indiana Inc, is a remake of my original concept Industrial Inc on Foundry, but this time built in the Crypt of Sandbox. It's first and foremost a CTF map, it was built as such, but it works surprisingly well for slayer, and an oddball variant is in the making. Anyway, the forge team of myself(designer), StormierParadox(chief forger), StormierPython (work horse ) and StormierAlly(running customs and tests for glitches, bad spawns, balance issues, unwieldy flooring etc.), have made many maps in the past, probably now into triple figures. However, as we were about to try and get our name out, news broke of Sandbox, so we've been working away at concepts until it arrived, and now it has, we've finally decided to give it a crack. Now, enough self indulgent waffle and ego flattering tripe, onto the map. Indiana Inc is a 5 story high,middle sized (utilises every inch of space in the crypt) CTF map, which gives players the option to play the map any way they want, with a large selection of vehicles, weapons and equipment strewn across the playing field. The set up is this, two 4 story(I'm sure I’m spelling this wrong or something) bases, with a small courtyard between them at ground level, a laser platform between them left of the bases at 4th floor level, and an interconnecting bridge on an elevated 5th level, which offers another method of travel between the bases. The bridge is very open however, and players should be wary when crossing. (How bloody cheesy is that, christ I need to cut down on cliches) The bases are almost symmetrical, with minor differences and alterations in each, but nothing that sacrifices balance. The map so far has been played by around 20-30 people, and so far, genuinely, not a bad word has been spoken, except for one extremely agitating neutral spawn which we have now fixed ^_^ Also, before we get to the juicy details after about 1000 words of china wallage, there are some interesting "changes" that occur as the rounds wear on. I'll explain in due course, as I give the details. Weapons, Grenades,Vehicles, Equipment and Powers Ups In Each Base SMG x1 (45 seconds, 2 spare clips) Mauler x 1 (90 seconds, no spare clips) Sniper Rifle x1 (150 seconds, 1 spare clip) Plasma Rifle x1 (45 seconds) Plasma Pistol x1 (60 seconds) Brute Shot x1 (45 seconds, 1 spare clip) Magnum x1 (30 seconds, 2 spare clips) Shotgun x1 (150 seconds, no spare clips) Spikers x 2 (45 seconds, 2 spare clips) Carbine/ Battle Rifle x1 (30 seconds, 2 spare clips) (depending on base) Assault Rifle x1 (30 seconds, 2 spare clips) Rockets x1 (120 seconds, no spare clips) Machine Gun Turret x1 (150 seconds) Plasma Nades x2 (60 seconds) Trip Mine x1 (120 seconds) Regen x1 (120 seconds) Bubble Shield/Deployable Cover(depending on base) (120 seconds) Custom Power Up(150 seconds) In Courtyard Battle Rifle x3 Carbine x2 Energy Sword x1 (never respawns) 7 Wood (Comes in at 180 seconds in energy sword spawn) Plasma Nades x2 Grav Lift x 1 (60 seconds) Power Drain x1 (120 seconds) Overshield x1 (Never Respawns, replaced by camo that spawns at 180) Invis x 2 (Never Respawns, replaced by overshields that spawn at 180) Banshee x1 (120 seconds) Warthog, Chaingun x1(120 seconds) Hornet, Transport x1 (120 seconds) Ghost x1 (90 seconds, not overpowered so far, still unsure whether we have this right) BIG CHANGE IN COURTYARD- Killball appears at 180 between sword and gravlift, no spawns within or items placed within. On Bridge Battle Rifle x1 Carbine x 1 Sentinel Beam x1 (Never respawns, Beam Rifle respawns in place at 180) On Laser Platform Spartan Laser x1 (150 seconds) Flame Grenades x2 (120 seconds) Mauler x1 (90 seconds) Here’s a few more screenshots to help you make up you mind if your undecided on whether to download the map and gametype. That’s right, I said gametype. Indiana Inc comes coupled with the original Industrial Flag gametype, which comes largely unchanged from its last incantation. However, seeing as the last version was only played by perhaps 40-50 friends overall, I think it’s only fair to fill you in on the specs of the game mode. Industrial Flag- DOWNLOAD IS BELOW INDIANA INC Primary Weapon- Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon- Assault Rifle Flag Scores to Win-5 Rounds – 3 (So highest score you could get would be 15-0, best we’ve had has been a 9-2 however) Time Limit Per Round – 5 minutes Flag Reset- 30 seconds Flag Return- 10 seconds Flag At Home to Score- Disabled Sudden Death- No Limit Lives Per Round- 10 Respawn on Kills- Yes Betrayal Booting- Enabled XD Team Changing- Not Allowed Custom Power Up Settings- Duration- 15 seconds 110% Damage Resistance Immune to Headshots 25% Leech Damage Modifier- 110% Grenade Regeneration- Yes Infinite Ammo- Yes Speed- 110% Forced Colour- White Flag Carrier Settings- Shield Vampirism 50% Player Speed- 50% Vehicle Use- Passenger Only Sensors- Motion Tracker Off Forced Colour- Gold Anyway, thats basically all the details, if anyone has any questions, critique or suggestions, feel free to give them Thanks for listening yall, Zig
very complex, interesting map. i love how you added air vehicles to give a new dimension of play to a usually small play area. it must be surprising for newer players to just be playing and then out of nowhere a banshee splatters them. in the crypt. 10/5
Thanks you very much Good to see the air vehicles being a point of interest so far EDIT- Just found a second golfclub by the Warthog that wasnt meant to placed at all, its been removed and renamed as Indiana Inc v1, Im just editing everything as quickly as possible to making v1 the fileshare version etc
Yeah that was a good find. You were dominating us in the air in that game just there but we got it back when the killball appeared. I'm happy with the way its playing at the moment so this is turning out good
Haha cheers bro ^_^ Get yourself an avatar Also that was hilarious, that'll teach gorimj to hover in a hornet Anyway, thats the problem with 3v3, too many power weapons to go around, it is primarily a 5v5 or 6v6 map, but to be honest the air domination was less about it being overpowered, more Ally sucking bad with the laser and Hype getting in behind to waste the rockets ^_^
I cant help but notice someone who posted a very constructive/positive 4/5 reviews had had their post deleted or removed it themselves? Any clue why? Also, any more comments would be appreciated
Me and the lads put a lot of work into this, shame theres been no feedback for a few weeks, anything more would be greatly appreciated