MLG jerks.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Awkward Silence, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    I just mute everyone, fixes the problem quite nicely.
  2. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I think the "MLG jerks" you're referring to are the ones that are so overly competitive that they use being a jerk as an easy way out when losing. MLG isn't just those guys though, there's some really chill people that play the playlist. You just have to find them.
  3. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    i have met some sad mlg nobs noobs in my time but yestoday a whole team of them were givin me and my mate **** and even though we won (me 22 kills my mate 20 kills me 6 deaths my mate 5 deaths)

    we both got 5 messages saying your trash and mlg shouldent have noobs like you

    oh and thank you blood fire for the idea....

    *cough*pic of ass*cough*
    #43 d4rkdemon, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  4. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    Those kinds of people always have two roommates(their parents) and a racecar bed, and a radio to talk to other car beds. Oh yeah and every night they are balls-deep in a stuffed turtle with their thumbs in their mouth.
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    They sell radios to talk to other race car beds?

    Basically the only way jerks know how to communicate is by being a jerk. One tactic I found that works is to agree with everything they say.

    For example:

    Jerk - "You suck kid go kill yourself"
    You - "Your right I should go kill myself, thanks for that positive info"
  6. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I'm an MLG guy, and I never tea bag. I never trash talk unless the other team initiates it.
    I usually just say "good game," whether I win or loose, or I just back out to the lobby. If
    someone on my team is doing really bad, I don't insult them, I just keep it to myself.
    I try to say positive things, and complement my teammates when they get a nice snipe or
    out BR.

    Let's all stereotype guys! (sarcasm)

    Also, I'm not aiming this at the OP because I realize he says not everyone does it.
    #46 Love Slice, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  7. Silent Engage

    Silent Engage Ancient
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    Same here. Even if other teammates are trash talking someone doing bad on the team I'll try to tell them to step off. I mean really what good is it going to do? Do people really think that they have to point out when someone is doing bad and then ridicule someone for it? That's only going to make them play worse.

    Just tell them not to worry about it and just try their hardest. Usually I get a positive reaction back and they'll start to play slightly better.
    #47 Silent Engage, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  8. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    I hate those people too. I am in a clan called EpiK, and we are a fun clan, we mainly play custom games and have fun. But of course you get those @ss wholes who hate clans while matchmaking and cuss you out afterwords. I even had some people cuss me out when they beat us, when we had 2 people and they had 4. So yeah I understand what you mean.
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Every MLG I see, I frikkin teabag them. Cocky bastards.
  10. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Read my post above. You people are downright ignorant sometimes.
  11. TDubs42

    TDubs42 Ancient
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    A lot of people on MLG are real ass-hats. Now I'm not saying everyone, just most. But I'm starting to think that it's every matchmaking type. The last time I played Team Doubles with my brother we did not veto an oddball game on Blackout. After the game we both got messages and got called noobs and whatnot because we didn't veto. When people have the ability to play a game and be completely anonymous that kind of thing happens I guess. It's too bad, a lot of people get bad rep because they are associated with a bad community, and that's starting to happen with halo (see topic title).
  12. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    I was in the lobby for MLG and this kid on my team was talking **** to my friend that I was playing with.. I wasn't saying anything because I thought it was retarded but my friend was So he quits the game and invites me and my friend to a custom. We show up in the lobby and he has these three other kids with him that apparently were his team or something. Oh by the way this kid was a general. So me and my friend play his entire team and just completely wreck them. The final score was like 50-14. I was laughing so hard the entire time because he and his team were garbage. THOSE are the kids I hate. Seriously just play the game. I get pissed sometimes when I lose but I dont talk trash to the other team.
  13. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    Too me it seems like from a couple of the posts that the real jerks are the ones who are just mad that they cant compete, and hate on competitive players...

    basically trash talking happens after most games.
    The ones that win i'd say have the right to brag..
    The team that looses always says you have no life.
    Whatever this thread is useless.
  14. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Just ignore all of that. It's not really that big of a deal. And if it bugs you so much, just find something else to do.
  15. Rickles

    Rickles Ancient
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    That's what they say too. But why would they quit something that they enjoy to do? If you were a billionaire would you stop being a billionaire because someone asked you for money? (seriously)
  16. TDubs42

    TDubs42 Ancient
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    I enjoy Halo, it jsut has it's flaws. It's kind of hard to ignore all of the trash talk that gets tossed around. I enjoy the game play. What I DON'T enjoy is getting a message calling me a ni**er after every third match or so.

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