what do you think the worst people are... hackers. flying around the map and using auto aim. modders. making the map pitch black on the opponent's side. hlg. people who hide when they have the lead. standbyers. screwing with the connection to make people lag out. boosters. make a new account and then boost their xp till they're a general and then sell the account please post why you hate that particular type of person.
All of the above. Close the discussion now because you should get the same answer from every person on the site. (other than some HLG members)
Standbyers, hackers, and modders. Boosting and HLG isn't against the rules, while the other three are illegal.
People that mess with the connection. I get so pissed when people do that. If you're playing a team that has a booster on it it doesn't have any effect on the game, so I dont really care about that. Most of the people that hide have youtube videos of the spots they use. One time I played a team that tried to do that and I looked them up on youtube during the game and thats how i found them lol. so yea either hackers or standbyers.
I hate Boosters the most i hate facing teams in doubles 2v1 even tho im so pro i will win. I dont mind modders as long as they dont mod matchmaking and i havent really seen standbuyers since halo 3 came out. and hiding is fun sometimes
First off, I believe your definition of hacker is incorrect. I think I remember seeing that a hacker is someone who breaks into a system, but does not change anything. Besides, your definitions of hacker and modder are basically the same. Hacker - though illegal, I see nothing wrong with this. Hackers challenge themselves to break into systems, not ruin them. But the problem with it is it could easily get out of control. Modder - illegal, and agreeable. I hate how some people have to cheat in order to make themselves feel achieved or cheat to annoy others. Now modding in anything that benefits themselves and doesn't ruin it for someone else seems okay to me. But once again, it can get out of control. HLG - I think it should be fixed so the seekers don't waste a lot of time trying to find them. As for now, I'm not really against it because anyone can do it and it sometimes takes skill to hide. Standbyers - uggh. I'm impatient, so I really think this one is the worst. I just hope this one can be put to sleep. Boosters - I don't care. The worst that could happen to me is some kid bloating to me that he got his 50. He's really just making himself over-confident or somethin like that. (I can't think of a good word.)
HLG is highly annoying. especially is you are about to win a match and a guy is tampering with the network so much that you just quit or get booted!!!
For me, it's a tie between standbyers and boosters. I voted for standbyers, though, because one of them ruined my first legit overkill in MLG. I got the double, then a guy on my team, and 2 on their team lagged out! The other 2 guys were right there in range, too!
This is opinion-based, and don't **** up the term 'hacking', k? Or modding, now that I read some previous posts.
I haven't encountered modders, hackers, or standbyers in Halo 3. But yes, I think those three groups are horrible and I'm surprised they will go to the extent to win a game. On the other hand I think that HLG and Boosters are fine where they are. HLG is just another strategy in winning, they're not doing anything wrong, they're good at hiding just why certain people go for sniper they're good at lining the crosshair with someone's head. Boosters are not doing anything wrong either, if they want to make money that way that's good for them, they are doing what they're good at to get a head in life (money) or in a gaming life (level 50).
Nobody here understands how few people there are who mod in matchmaking. It's not a problem by any means. Plus, are both achieved through modding. Learn your definitions.
I would first like to apologize to you all. BTW, I have not seen anyone "flying around the map and using auto aim." pssh. HLG can be fun and amusing. It's called prone your hiding skills, and find em. FYI: Hackers, Modders, and 'standbyers.' would fall into the same category within this context. I do get annoyed by boosters, but thats when we camp or HLG. And out br them noobs.
Hlg is a tactic that many cannot do, it involves gaining the lead, getting into a spot, and managing to stay in the spot for like 15mins without being spotted. The other three i hate, but boosting is just stupid to be honest...
Hackers. Although you could place explosives in their camping spots on forge. Hidden somewhere, obviously, but close to injure or kill.
a) I have never met 1, 2, 4. b) HLG fails if you have the knowledge where you can actually find them. c) boosters. they boost. As long as they do not leave, it is k. but since my friend plays gears of war two, I think I hate people who screw with the connection most, since they do it there ALL the time.
Standbyers, hackers, and modders are very similar in that what they do is illegal. Boosters are just stupid and HLG people are just lame.
HLG gets on my nerves a lot. They don't have the skill to fight so they kill and run away. They don't deserve the rank they have and it is totally ridiculous that people do that. Also modders and hackers just like having fun, but when it comes to matchmaking, they need to get out.
I especially hate the Standbyers. It really ruins the game. But hlg makes the game hilarious because it isn't that serious and its kind of funny. Also boosters don't always sell their accounts. Btw lol.