Well done sir. This is truly a well made map. I usually dont like when people enclose a map in forge objects but you have done it with great skill and it plays great. 5/5
There it is! A ridiculously creative Sandbox map variant! I knew they were coming!!! I'm thrilled by this. Let the the slew of gloriously original maps ensue!
this map looks really pleasing astheticly and playability i like it alot it looks really fun to play FFA on with around that many people i will DL once i get the Mythic map pack but for now im basing my review on pics which look great so for now i give it a 5/5
this looks like a fun map i tried to make one like that but my terrible forge skills overpowered me and i didnt have the patients to acually make a entriely enclosed map
Hahahah too bad I already broke out of it though. But great map. The original design really brings it out, I can already tell I am gonna love enclosed maps made on Sandbox. I should send you a pic of the spot I got out of so you can patch it up Keep it up, maybe you can be like rick and get an Architect...
aren't you special? Why don't you be a little more helpful and let me know where you broke out of it? I thought I had sealed off all of the escapes. Unless you were playing on an older version?
Aesthetically, the map is gorgeous. The interlocking is incredible. I like all the different jumps you can do to move around the map. That is really fun. I hate it though that you have this great looking map, but when it came for me to play on it, it didn't turn out as well. Weapon placement is fine. It's the spawning that is the issue for me. During my FFA game with only 3 people, if only one person died, regardless of where the other players are, you'd always spawn in the exact same place. That led to excessive, either, spawn killing, or spawning behind and right next to other players. Only when two people died at around the same time, did it spawn you somewhere else. My suggestion, place more spawns so it's not a spawn-kill fest. It was getting to the point of ridiculousness during that game.
If you had read the thread, you would understand what happened with the map and why the spawns ended up ruined like that. Theres a slim chance that i might do a full redesign on this to actually finally make the spawns work right and shut everyone up, but i seriously am lazy and I have way better maps in the works. *LOCKED* to prevent future spam.