Where do the fine lines fall between competitive maps, casual maps, and mini game maps? (in that order; I think we all know the differences between competitive and mini games) For instance, I always thought that the difference between competitive maps and casual was that competitive maps were only to use original gametypes like slayer and CTF. So if you made a custom gametype for your map, would automatically be considered casual even if it was of a competitive nature? (this would not include Conquest since it is an established competitive gametype). Similarily, both casual and mini games consist of fun nature. Even though casual calls for games like cat 'n mouse, I still see cat 'n mouse games in mini games. So where would the fine line be here? Would the seperation be based on the complecity of the game? Like simpler games go in mini games. Or is it something else?
Competitive games are usually maps that are well laid out for slayer games or objective games. Infection really isn't the best to play on these maps for that reason. Casual maps are meant to have fun, and well most of the time its infection. You will rarely see actual slayer games on casual maps. Mini games are basicly casual, except they mostly consist of short rounds. Mini-games are also puzzle maps, in which you go alone or with a team and try to get to the end of the maze. I think it is still somewhat hard to tell the difference between mini and casual though, so don't feel your completely alone and confused. Hoped this helped.
to add to the above Competitive maps are maps that you would see in ranked playlists, which means they are set up for the MAIN default gametypes. Casual maps are what you would see in a double xp weekend playlist, like infection and rocket race (can be regular gametypes as well but it will usually have a feature in it that will scream no competitive gameplay) and mini games almost always have their own gametype, that are pretty elaborate and are pretty short.