How about sticking to the K.I.S.S. principle and use a smaller piece. Wedges (long and short) make good guard rails on edges and when stood on the thick side with the pointy end facing up, interlock it halfway into your floor and OMG you have a waist high wall. You can now squat down behind it and be invisible to anyone looking at it from the other side.
There is another way too. The way where you pick the angle and then move the object w/o using the right stick and just move the spawn point
This is the first true way that the system has been beat in Sandbox, and I expect to see more of that happening.
Cheers... I have to agree with people that sometimes it will be absolutely pointless, but it's still a find.
asthetics are very important and i think this is very helpful... just like the original interlocking and geomerging glitches it seemed sorta useless at first but look at maps nao
Thanks, even though it does seem quite pointless, it is still a find, some people might find it useful, and it's easier than building a completely floating map (in a lot of cases).
One of the reasons I choose to build off the grid in the skybubble is so I don't have to do this. The main reason, though, is simply I don't like falling off of something and immediately dying. I like having a couple seconds of that "oh, crap, I'm going to die" feeling. For this reason, I build up off the grid. That is my choice, though, and this is a very good way to get something below your base structure if you choose to build right on the grid.
Wow the reason I got on this morning was to ask if anyone had found a way to do this haha. It seems like it would be faster to just build everything above the grid so you don't have to spend time doing this. oh well
I understand your point, but the reason why most people geomerge isn't to have instakill areas, the reason most of the time is so that they can get something into exactly the right place, at exactly the right height.
Does this technique work with movable objects such as vehicles? Or can it be used like the wall under Foundry technique?
That's what I was thinking, if the geometry works at all like it does in Foundry, which it seems to work the same, if not better, then I think you can merge vehicles under the bubble, perhaps with more accuracy to make it as exposed, or not, as you like.
I think it's a pretty good idea myself, though not as useful to geomerge in the sky bubble as it is on ground levels, you can use this to create smoother ramps out of non ramp objects, or to modify the height of objects (for lower areas of flooring as an example)
wow nice toturial how the geo-merge in the sky- bubble. its a good idea to overload the map and other method is the normally geo-merge them but your variant is much easier. good job...thx for sharing that with the community.