Yeah, we all know that the NXE was pretty lame. Personally, I was perfectly fine with the original dashboard. I wish they allowed us to switch back and forth.
My xbox was playing up earlier, but I realised that it was overheating. Just don't play in a hot room and it shouldn't break. I'm lucky though.
Quite hard if you live in Florida lol..... Well I just got RRoD and I like cried. I turned on my xbox to FINALLY DL the Mythics and those three evil rings started flashing at me. Talk about fun...
Yeahm I got E-74 last Friday, right before TGIF... They're repairing my console for free however, even though the Extended Warranty applies strictly to the 3 Red Rings and nothing else. Mainly because it's a defect in Microsoft's product and it is their responsibility. Reasoning like that can easily tip the scale in your favor.
I'm already on my fourth Xbox since October of 2006. At this point I have given up on how bad the durability of the Xbox is, seriously. But about that survey, Couldn't they just add one more number to the highest peak. What is with advertising and marketing company's setting their price on the items at $69 dollars. Is there a sexual imunedo to their pricing, I'm not just saying this chart, but a variety of things are like that.
The extended warranty covers manufacture defects. E-74 and RRoD both fall into that category. This is why you should get your 360 at Best Buy and get the PRP/BTPP: two years of coverage and they'll replace it almost regardless of what went wrong. In the mean time, I'm pretty sure they did a hardware reconfiguration in the current generation of consoles that either cools itself better, or somehow manages to keep the chips attached to the board under situations of extreme heat.
I play my Xbox in a hot room, so mine gets the RRoD very now and then, but it's worth it. They send you one year of live membership each time you send it in.
Well there is a easy way i use to prevent RRoD. When im done playing xbox after 6 to 8 hours I unplug everything the AV Cable, Ethernet Cord, and the AC Adapter. Than place the xbox upright and let it cool off. You can do this when you wanna pull an all nighter just log off for atleast half and hour to an hour. Than after your done cooling off, plug everything back in and play to your hearts content.
Alternately, USB-powered laptop cooling pads (and that intercooler thing) have been known to work well, even if they're a bit noisy. And unplugging the AC adapter is actually counter-productive, as it forces the internal fans to turn off and stop any post-shutdown cooling mechanisms. By unplugging the AC adapter, you might actually be doing more harm than good.
My brother's 360 died from the E74 error not too long ago. I thought it would have died a long time ago... but the update is what brought it to its knees. And to be clear: The E74 error is completely different from the RRoD. They are two seperate problems.
No, I think the update made the 3 RRoD appear as the E74. @DTL: I have seen some articles say that they are very similar. Your brother should tell M$ he has the 3 RRoD, and they will fix it for free.
The RRoD is caused by a malfunction in the motherboard, the E74 error is caused by the graphics card. There are conspiracy theories going around saying they are one in the same, but they certainly are not. And my brother had a replacement plan, so he already has a new system, but thanks!
NXE probably included something that purposefully induced the E-74 Error, Microsoft can probably press a big red button and destroy every xbox 360 in the world. It's true. My friend Mike works in Microsoft Customer Support and he told me.