Map Name: Santero Major Influence: Meridian (Author: MasterWizard) # Players: 2-6 Suggested Gametypes: FFA, Team Slayer Download link: DOWNLOAD LINK NOW WORKING AGAIN Description: First and foremost, much credit goes to MasterWizard and his map Meridian. As you will see, the top catwalks is strikingly similar. I drew much inspiration from this map, but i did infact build Santero from the ground up. There are differences in our catwalks, namely the entire section along the back wall connecting the two catwalks. I believe my catwalks are actually ½ wall wider, and I used interlocking not only for that but in the corners by the regenerators to make a larger playable space. Without MasterWizard’s Meridian, Santero would not exist, so much thanks and credit goes to him. Moving Forward, Santero is an FFA/Team Slayer based map for 2-6 players or maybe even 7 in FFA. 8 will be a bit overcrowded though. Lots of great angles and shooting lanes from top to bottom and side to side. One unique defining feature is the teleporter system starting from the Rockets and ending in the middle of the map. The single sender node works with both receiver nodes randomly. So its always a surprise as to which way to turn at first once proceeding through. This changes gameplay in a couple ways. First, it can save your life as it is less predictable where your escape will actually unfold. It also changes chases because the trailing player may end up running right at the other players face once both have passed through. Interlocking is used all over this map, a great deal of it is up on the catwalks, and most boxes that are touching have been interlocked for a cleaner map. Also, you will find 2 interlocked open boxes making a plus sign, creating 4 small areas of cover and housing weapons and equipment. I built this map a couple of months ago and it is one of my babies. My other baby is ALTA, so go check it out also. My friends love playing it, and hopefully you will too. Ill leave you with some (actually a lot of) screenshots so you have a good idea of what your dealing with. General Overview Front path to the catwalk Catwalk Regenerator at the opposite end of the catwalk Center hall (connects to Shotgun hall and Active Camo drop) Lower side overview Same side, against the wall Back lift to the catwalk Shotgun hall (connects to center hall and Active Camo drop) Overview from a BR perch at the back just to the right of the Active Camo drop BR perches and Active Camo drop Climb to the Rockets Interlocking structure housing Needlers, Power Drain, Flare, Overshield Opposite view showing gravlifts from the other side The Rockets’ sender node randomly sends you to either one of these 2 receiver nodes As always I love any constructive criticisms and reviews and I can’t wait to get some feedback from the community
It's a pretty well put together map. I like how thers a lot of catwalks that give somewaht of an overview of the map. i like your good use of interlocking in the map also. Although I like what I see, I'm not really in awe of it. I don't mean to be rude or anything but I just don't see anything that would blow me away. i guess I would just have to play it myself. But overall a pretty good map.
Thats perfectly alright i appreciate the good feedback. You may be right, but you are now obligated to come back and let me know what you thought after you run around it for a game or two. Thanks bro, glad you like what you see.. let me know what you think after you check it out.
Yeh i know i liked Meridian alot. Thanks man, thats pretty much how i feel about it too. We shoud get some games goin sometime. do we really have to wait til TGIF?
This map looks amazing, very good usage of Interlocking Techniques. I would downoad if my Xbox360 hadn't kicked the bucket(RRoD). Don't steal my cheese. :squirrel_rubberduck:
Oh man sorry bout that chewy, i feel ya. let me know when you get back up and running, and thanks for the feedback!
Thanks bro, glad you like what you see.. let me know what you think after you check it out. [/quote] This map pwnd, i dont care what anyone else thinks, but thats just me....i loved the lay out nd the feel of the map, all in all, keep up the good work
Well i just realized the download link wasnt working, i think i might have briefly taken it off my fileshare for a while...but anyways, its back up and running! enjoy!
Thanks! Im glad you like what you see. Id appreciate some more feedback after you check it out. I still feel like this map is severely underrated, but oh well... the new one im workin on will blow you all away (hopefully)
Thanks Grandma (that sounds really awkward)! haha no but i appreciate it alot. Im working on a new one right now actually, and its my best yet (in my opinion). Lots of merging with map geometry and some pretty new and amazing grav lift tricks (not talked about in the 101). Heres a name: Machu Picchu
Hmmm... this map looks different. You seem to have a nice balanced layout, also a good weapon placement. - Brute Captain