Vidmaster Challenge: Brain Pain

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GR Nightmares, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    This achievement calls for obtaining all of the halo 3 mythic map skulls.
    We all have the 3. Now there is three more.

    Does anyone besides me think that the halo 3 achievements are so easy a caveman could do it?

    I really hope they put a twist into these skulls and hide them really good. Like the IWHBYD skull. And give no hints. So the person who finds them first, is amazing.

    What do you guys think?
  2. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    That should be and hide them really WELL, gramatically correct.

    Anywho, if they hid them, on the multiplayer maps, as hard as IWHBYD then no one would get it except for the 1337 HA0r PWN people like you and me, and less people would have recon. i do believe that some of Halo 3's achievements are easy and very rewarding, Beating one dude down with the flag for 50 pts!!!!!! Mind you i dont really care if the put them in an easy spot, i think if there were as difficult as , or a little more difficult to find then the sandbox skull, then it would be fair.

    anyway i am doubtful, also HAlo 3 ODST will have 1000 GS for Campaign, which is awsome, so potentially lots of hard or truicky tasks in that game.
    I am also curious as to what the other Vidmaster achievements are because the current ones arent bad 1 is REALLY easy, the other requires a little work, and the last is a ***** but no that bad in the end.

    So i leave it at that!
  3. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    Brainpain is the last.
  4. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    the last vidmaster? yeah i know that but it may not be the last one you can get, it is for halo 3, but halo 3 odst will have 3 more.
  5. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    The four-ghost vidmaster was a pain, but it was also fun as hell if you did it with a couple of friends. The reward is so huge and, well... rewarding.

    The first two times I completed this vidmaster, everyone in my group got it except for me, even though I fully completed it even until the end credits. I still need to do it xD
  6. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Yea, Halo achievements are usually pretty easy to get. Tank dropper? Come on Bungie, we're not that pathetic. Oh well though, at least it's not like Guitar Hero where you have to be a god to get all of the achievements (gold star 20 songs on expert? WTF Red Octane!)
  7. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    The problem with that though is as soon as found or hacked to find the person would tell everyone where it's at. And the only way to solve that is to make them show how it was found. Btw they should be more advanced to find like iwhbyd
    #7 Orange, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  8. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I'm trying to get the achievement in the weirdest way possible.
    I'm dropping a light orb from the skybubble into the crypt!

    Oh, I just got all three skulls without trying.
    They are in the most obvious spots...
  9. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    I just want some hard achievements. I mean, get a splatter spree?
    Shotgun spree?

    It's like they want the noobs to be able to get them too.

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    i would rather have them easy to get because the faster you get all the skulls the faster you can work on the Halo 3: ODT vidmaster achievements and get recon armour which is what i really want, but i also want all the halo 3 achievement and all Halo 3: ODST Achievements.
  11. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    I just hate that there will be as many people with recon as with katanas.
  12. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Just to throw it out there it's call Brainpan, not Brainpain. Some of the achievements sound easy but are hard to get. I mean i have the Vidmaster Annual achievement, but i still don't have the triple kill achievement.
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    They are easy but you know what they do? They get people to try out part of the games that have less traffic. Like the tank dropper one. I bet people thought that was hilarious who havn't tried forge and now they like it.
  14. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    After ODST comes out everyone is going to have recon and nobody is going to care about it anymore. Which i guess is probably good for bungie because they won't be bothered by people asking for it anymore. I personally think its dumb that they're doing this but...oh well.
  15. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The skulls aren't entirely easy to find. It would be a lot more difficult if people hadn't splashed videos of their location all over Youtube. Lol, we all know eachother has seen them!

    Anyway, so what if some of the Halo 3 achievements were easy. They were all fun to get. There are plenty of multiplayer ones and in all honesty, some of the campaign ones were challenging too. (For example, the 15,000 meta-game points.)

    It's all in good fun, so I'm not complaining ;D
  16. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I'm sure it's been said in this thread (I just read it two posts up) that Recon will become like the katana. No longer will it be the once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that it is for most people, but you'll probably start to run into it every two or three games, and over time, it will get to the point where you see it two and three times per game (despite the huge tactical disadvantage it gives). Security armor is still slightly rare, but it's not nearly as revered as the katana was. So too the legendary status of recon armor will be gradually removed. In order for Bungie to bestow greatness and favor upon someone, it will almost become requisite for them to either come up with something new, or start handing out the Flame body piece.
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I KNOW! Vidmaster: Lightswitch was a *****! :cry:
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, in order of hardness to achieve for me, from easiest to hardest:

    7 on 7
    All you have to do is have 7exp in ANY playlist and you just select that playlist on the 7th and you get your achievement. You don't even have to go into the game.

    YouTube is your friend here, although you do need to fork out for the Mythic maps twice.But I actually found Assembly's skull on my own, and I had a feeling the the Orbital skull was where i thought it was so yeah, pretty easy.

    Just follow my guide and play with some people who are good and won't quit out halfway through and you should be alright. This takes more patience than skill, but I've done it 8 times now. The achievement is also really fun so that's a bonus.

    I hated getting this. But I did it in DLC FFA. Should've done it in Social Slayer, then I wouldn't be mad when my exp didn't go up when I came 2nd (even though it did go up when I came 3rd). It took me over a month to get this in the end.

    That's just my oninion though. You may think different.
    But I really hope they hide up the skulls for the secondary mythic maps really hard too. If they do make another Sandbox-style skull, then they should make it harder, or even make the skull spawn in different places each game.
  19. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    They should have the arbiter armor for elites. Except the only way to get it is Bungie gives it to you, like recon only no dumb unlocking, plus its a pre-unlocked armor permutation. But as soon as you have more than 1 exp in any playlist it goes away.
  20. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    The sanbox skull was the right difficulty, not a 5-second job like assembly, but not irritating either, it was a light challenge.
    And about the achievements, aren't Perfection and Extermination hard enough?
    Lol I got perfection and look both ways in the same match, a splatter spree gets you twice as many gamerpoints! Never again, Bungie.

    Also, its actually impossible for bungie to make more armor perms, they said so in an update. I doubt they'll hand out the fire head piece. I don't mind about recon, surely those of us who've been playing the game for 2 years should get some kind of reward? They'll have to give it out eventually. IMO, the sooner they run out of rewards, the sooner they'll have to make new maps or a new game.
    #20 Altair4PM, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009

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